Template:NifSE NiExtraData Type List
This is a list of the possible types of NiExtraData nodes that may be attached to a NiObjectNET. Used by NifSE's NiObjectNETAddExtraData.
ExtraData Types
These are all of the NIF block types that derive from NiExtraData. NiExtraData blocks are included in a NIF via the ExtraData list of NiObjectNET blocks.
- NiObject (ancestor)
- NiExtraData *
- BSBound
- BSFurnitureMarker†
- NiBinaryExtraData A
- NiBinaryVoxelData A
- NiBooleanExtraData N
- NiColorExtraData A
- NiFloatExtraData N
- NiFloatsExtraData A
- NiIntegerExtraData N
- BSXFlags N
- NiIntegersExtraData A
- NiStringExtraData S
- NiStringsExtraData A
- NiTextKeyExtraData
- NiVectorExtraData A
- NiVertWeightsExtraData A
- NiExtraData *
* NiExtraData is effectively an abstract type - it does not do anything on its own. Use any of the subsequent sub-children to indicate the type of Extra Data that is desired.
† BSFurnitureMarkers have their own, separate functions, BSFurnitureMarkerGetPositionRefs and BSFurnitureMarkerSetPositionRefs.
A These data types are arrays, and thus their values can be gotten with NiExtraDataGetArray and set with NiExtraDataSetArray.
N These data types are numbers, and thus their values can be gotten with NiExtraDataGetNumber and set with NiExtraDataSetNumber.
S These data types are strings, and thus their values can be gotten with NiExtraDataGetString and set with NiExtraDataSetString.
All other types are not supported by NifSE v1.0. They may be added to or deleted from NiObjectNET blocks, but not read or edited in any way.