
From the Oblivion ConstructionSet Wiki
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About Me:

  • Me: Well I am a noobie modder =P I've been playing Oblivion for a little while now. I started my Elder Scroll experience with Morrowind GOTY and did a little basic moding there. I came across this site while I was searching for some good Oblivion mod tuts and I've came here ever since.
  • What I Do: Well I'm a high school student, I am currently a sophomore (woooo) and I do a few sports, Cross Country and Track (I like to run =P) In my free time I'll most likely be playing some type of game or watching a movie
  • Pets: I have 3 dogs. We just got a new Siberian Husky named Bugsy. She's 8 weeks old as of 12/23/08. My pet's names are:
+Daisy Duke Malone - A Yellow Lab
+Maxine Mischief Malone - A Jack Russel Terrier
+Bugsy Mayday Malone - A Siberian Husky

My parents have a thing for Bugsy Malone, Dukes of Hazard, and Cheers, so they named our dogs after people in them.

  • The Way I Play: The way I like to play Oblivion is to fully immerse my self in its Role-playing value. I rarely cheat (just the occasional tcl if i get stuck somewere) or fast travel unless I have been there (I won't fast travel to the Imperial City unless I have walked in the gates myself. I like to go arround the wilds and just snipe bandits with my bow or cut a unsuspecting animal down with my sword.


Rak Kathal - My first PC Oblivion character. He is a Dark Elf Assassin who has been taken by vampirism. He is a listiner in the Dark Brotherhod. A Mad God. And a Holy Crusader. He is a very rich man who beggar's pester non-stop for coins. Rak Kathal is the proud owner of man homes. Which he himself has decorated the way he saw fit. A picture painted of him by some painter who's name can not be found can be seen below.

File:User Apocalypsefu Rak.JPG

Games I Play


  • Oblivion
  • Team Fortress 2
  • CS:S
  • DOD:S
  • Guild Wars
  • L4D
  • Warcraft 3
  • Games from GameTap
  • And random flash games when I don't feel like starting up a game