Pretty new to the CS, totally new to editing a Wiki.
I don't know anything about models or textures, so I'm concentrating on scripting for now. My released mods to date:
Flaming Arrows: Applies magic effect shaders to PC and NPC arrows - flames, dripping poison, and more.
Storage Sacks: Gives you up to 10 customizable sacks that you can use to tidy your inventory, including a "sell sack" for one-click selling of multiple items.
Time Manager: A multi-function suite of time-related functions, including Variable Timescale, Immersive Waiting, Timed Menus, Clock Display featuring an immersive timekeeping option, and a Realtime Alarm Clock.
Summon Luggage: Grants a greater power that allows you to summon The Luggage from Cobl.
Realistic Enchanted Item Limits: Allows a user-defined maximum for the number of enchanted items the player can equip and provides penalties for exceeding the maximum. Also, optionally allows use of unlimited rings and/or amulets from all mods, and a way to see your unlimited items when in use.
Less Predictable Respawn: Randomizes the cell respawn timer based on a user-definable range.