Wander Package

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Target: Not Used.

Location: Go to specified location and wander near it, within specified radius. Radius must be greater than zero. Recommended radius of greater than 100. Actors in wander packages are also trying to find people to talk to within their social radius. If you do not want an actor to engage in dialogue in a wander they must have skipfallout behavior checked. Also the energy level of an actor determines how often they move in a wander. If they find a chair in their wander radius they will likely sit down for a while.

Continue if PC near: If the NPC offers services, then rather than engaging other NPCs in conversation, they will follow the player around, trying to keep him/her in sight. This behavior ignores radius, always sneak and other flags.

Offers Services: If the NPC has services configured, those services will be available in the NPC's dialogue.

Duration = 0:
Nothing checked: Wander until something higher evaluates.
Must Complete: Meaningless.
Must Reach Location: Will not reveal to any other package until location is reached. When at location, wander until something higher evaluates.

Duration > 0:
Nothing checked: Wander at location until duration expires, unless something higher priority evaluates earlier.
Must Complete: Wander at location until duration expires. Will not re-evaluate and switch to any other package until location is reached AND duration expires.
Must Reach Location: Will not reveal to any other package until location is reached. When at location, wander for remaining duration unless something higher evaluates first.

Additional Notes:

  • For the NPC to not run into walls, you must first create a "priority" path. To do this click on the path node button then while holding both CTRL and ALT, lay out a path that you want the NPC to follow.
  • The amount of time an actor spends standing idly during a wander package is controlled at least in part by the game settings fAIMaxWanderTime and fAIEngergyLevelMult.