Category:Console Functions

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Function Name Short Name Description Reference Function Parameters
AddDecal FALSE
AddFaceAnimNote AFAN TRUE sString
BeginTrace bt Creates a trace file (xbox only) FALSE
BetaComment BC Add comment to [General] 'sBetaCommentFile' file.
NOTE: select object first.
[bc "This rock is too high."]"
FALSE sString
CalcLowPathToPoint LP2P ignore locks,allow disabled doors,ignore min use TRUE bIgnoreLocks, bAllowDisabledDoors, bIgnoreMinUse
CalcPathToPoint P2P TRUE
CenterOnCell COC FALSE CellName
CenterOnExterior COE FALSE x, y
CenterOnWorld COW [COW worldname -10 5] FALSE WorldspaceName, CellCoordX, CellCoordY
ClearAdaptedLight cal Clears the HDR adapted light texture FALSE
CloseFile FALSE Filename
CompleteAllQuestStages caqs Sets all quest stages FALSE
DumpTexturePalette DTP Dump texture palette contents to warning file\n param is sort type   f-filename,s-size,c-count) FALSE SortType (optional)
FlushNonPersistActors Flush Deletes all the actors in High who are not persistant FALSE iCount
FreezeRenderAccumulation fra only re-render geometry visible during this frame FALSE
GetINISetting GetINI \setting:category\"" FALSE SettingName
HairTint 3 ints,RGB FALSE iRed, iGreen, iBlue
Help Show this help. FALSE
LoadGame load LoadGame <filename> FALSE SaveName
ModWaterShader mws Modifies water shader settings FALSE String, Float (optional)
MoveToQuestTarget movetoqt Move player to current quest target (optional param: target number, 1-N). FALSE QuestTargetNumber (optional)
OutputArchiveProfile oap Output Archive profile info to a file FALSE String (optional)
OutputLocalMapPictures OLMP Writes out the current local map. FALSE
OutputMemContexts omc Output Mem Context info to a file FALSE Filename (optional)
OutputMemStats oms Output Mem Stats info to a file FALSE Filename (optional)
PickRefByID PRID Select a reference by id for the console. FALSE ObjectRefID
PlayerSpellBook psb Add all spells to player. FALSE
PrintAiList pai Printed Ai Lists. FALSE
PrintHDRParam PHP Prints current HDR settings. FALSE
PrintNPCDialog pdialog Prints NPC dialog FALSE
PurgeCellBuffers pcb Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers. FALSE
QuitGame qqq Exit game without going through menus. FALSE
RefreshINI REFINI Refresh INI settings from file. FALSE
RefreshShaders REFRESHSHADERS Reload HLSL shaders from disk FALSE
ReloadCurrentClimate rcc Reloads values from the current climate FALSE
ReloadCurrentWeather rcw Reloads values from the current weather FALSE
ResetMemContexts rmc Reset Max Mem Contexts FALSE
RevertWorld rw Revert the world FALSE
RunCellTest rct Runs a cell test FALSE iFlag (optional)
RunMemoryPass rmp Runs a cleanup memory pass FALSE iFlag
SaveGame save SaveGame <filename> FALSE SaveName
SaveIniFiles saveini Writes all the .ini files. FALSE
SaveWorld Save hkWorld <filename> FALSE Filename
SetCameraFOV FOV Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75 FALSE iDegrees
SetClipDist float,new clip distance FALSE fClipDistance
SetDebugText sdt Sets which debug text is shown. FALSE iDebugPage
SetFog 2 floats,start and end depths FALSE fStartDepth, fEndDepth
SetGameSetting SetGS FALSE sGSName, sGSValue
SetGamma sg Sets new gamma ramp. FALSE fValue
SetHDRParam SHP Sets various values for the HDR shader FALSE fValue1, fValue2, fValue3, fValue4, fValue5, fValue6
SetImageSpaceGlow SISG FALSE iValue1, fValue2, fValue3, fValue4
SetINISetting SetINI \setting:category\" value" FALSE sININame, sINIValue
SetLightingPasses SLP 4 (0/1) values. amb|diff|tex|spec ex: 1010 FALSE sBitFlag
SetSkyParam SSP Sets various values for the sky FALSE fValue1, fValue2
SetSTBBColorConstants sscc Show speedtree billboard color tweak constants. FALSE fValue1, fValue2, fValue3, fValue4
SetTargetRefraction str Sets the refractive value of the target FALSE fValue
SetTargetRefractionFire strf Sets the refractive fire value of the target FALSE fValue1, iValue2
SetTreeMipmapBias stmb Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards. FALSE fValue1, fValue2
SexChange Selected npc male become female or female becomes male. FALSE
Show TST Show values of script variables: show gamedayspassed FALSE VarName
Show1stPerson S1ST Show the 1st person Model from the 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person mode it will show both. FALSE
ShowAnim SA Show Animation and Actor status. TRUE
ShowFullQuestLog SFQL Show all log entries for a single quest FALSE QuestID
ShowHeadTrackTarget SHeadT Show the head track target if set from look function TRUE
ShowPivot SP Puts a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference. TRUE
ShowQuestLog SQL Show Quest Log. Optional flag: 0=current quests, 1=completed quests FALSE bShowCompleted
ShowQuests SQ List quests. FALSE
ShowQuestTargets SQT Show current quest targets FALSE
ShowQuestVars SQV Show quest variables. [svq QuestID] FALSE QuestID
ShowRenderPasses srp display render passes for the next frame FALSE
ShowScenegraph SSG Create a window with the full game scene graph. FALSE
ShowSubSpaces sss Temporarily displays subspaces. FALSE
ShowSubtitle show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always,0 hides always) FALSE bFlag
ShowVars SV Show variables on object. [player->sv] TRUE
ShowWhoDetectsPlayer SWDP  Show who detects the player FALSE
SpeakSound TRUE Filename, iEmotion, iEmotionValue
StartAllQuests saq Starts all quests FALSE
TestAllCells TAC Test All Cells (0 - stop,1 - start,2 - interiors,3 - current world) FALSE iValue
TestCode FALSE
TestLocalMap tlm Simulates the local map. (1 or 0 for FOW on or off) FALSE iValue
TestSeenData tsd Visually displays the current seen data FALSE
ToggleAiSchedules TAIS FALSE
ToggleBorders TB Show border lines for each cell. FALSE
ToggleCastShadows tsh FALSE iShadowType
ToggleCellNode TCN Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor,1-Marker,2-Land,3-Water,4-Static,5-Active FALSE iValue
ToggleCharControllerShape TCCS Toggle char controller shape type. FALSE
ToggleCollision TCL FALSE
ToggleCollisionGeometry TCG Show collision geometry. FALSE
ToggleCombatAI tcai Toggles ALL Combat AI FALSE
ToggleCombatStats TCS FALSE
ToggleConversations TCONV Toggle conversation stats FALSE
ToggleDebugText TDT Show debug numbers on the screen. FALSE
ToggleDetection TDETECT FALSE
ToggleDetectionStats tds Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref. FALSE
ToggleEmotions temo Toggle NPC facial emotions. FALSE
ToggleFlyCam tfc Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam). FALSE
ToggleFogOfWar TFOW Turns fog of war on or off. FALSE
ToggleFullHelp TFH Toggle Full Help FALSE
ToggleGodMode TGM Toggle God mode FALSE
ToggleGrass TG Toggle grass display. FALSE
ToggleGrassUpdate TGU FALSE
ToggleHDRDebug THD Toggles HDR debug textures. FALSE
ToggleLeaves TLV FALSE
ToggleLiteBrite tlb Toggles lite brite render mode. FALSE
ToggleMagicStats TMS FALSE
ToggleMapMarkers tmm Toggle map markers (1 shows all,0 hides all). FALSE iValue
ToggleMaterialGeometry TMG Show material geometry. FALSE
ToggleMenus TM Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots. FALSE
ToggleOcclusion tocc toggle occlusion query for geometry FALSE
TogglePathGrid TPG Toggle blocked display. FALSE
TogglePathLine TPL Toggle path display. FALSE
ToggleRefractionDebug trd Toggles refraction debug render texture FALSE
ToggleSafeZone TSZ Display the television 85%% safe zone. FALSE
ToggleScripts TSCR Turn Script processing on/off FALSE
ToggleShadowVolumes TSV FALSE
ToggleSky TS FALSE
ToggleTrees TT Turn trees on/off FALSE
ToggleWaterRadius TWR FALSE
ToggleWaterSystem TWS Toggles the water system FALSE
ToggleWireframe TWF Show the world as wireframe. FALSE
Verbose VERBOSE Toggle verbose combat/AI messages FALSE
WaterDeepColor deep Modifies water deep color FALSE iValue1, iValue2, iValue3
WaterReflectionColor refl Modifies water reflection color FALSE iValue1, iValue2, iValue3
WaterShallowColor shallow Modifies water shallow color FALSE iValue1, iValue2, iValue3


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Pages in category "Console Functions"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.