How To Create A Custom NPC Summoning Spell

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Revision as of 16:07, 10 May 2013 by imported>QQuix (Fixed the script - MoveTo >> PositionCell)
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Introduction[edit | edit source]

Let's say you made a custom race and would like to add a Power that lets you summon a creature to aid you. Well, you're in luck, because today we're going to learn how to do just that!

Step One: Creating a New Global[edit | edit source]

  • Go to the Gameplay menu and select Globals.
  • Be sure Short is selected, then right click anywhere in the list and select New.
  • Name it, in this case I am going to call it - SirenCount -.

Step Two: Creating the Spell[edit | edit source]

  • In the Object Window, select Spell, right click anywhere in the list to the right and select New.
  • Choose an ID and name for the spell, in this case I used -aaadiasummonspell for the ID and Siren Aid for the name.
  • Choose the type of spell. Since this is going to be a racial ability, we're going to go with Power so it can only be used once per day.
  • Make sure Script Effect Always Applies is checked.
  • Go over to the Effects list, right click and select New.
  • In the Effect drop down box, select Script Effect, simply hitting the S key should take you right to it. The spell Range should be set to Self and the Duration to whatever you prefer.
  • In the same window, go down to the Script Effect Info area and select Conjuration next to School. For Visual Effect, you can choose whatever you like, an existing summon creature effect works well in this case.

Step Three: Creating the Summoned Creature[edit | edit source]

  • In the Object Window, go to the Creature or NPC section and pick out the one you want. For this, I simply used the NPC Dremora1CaitliffMelee1, which happens to be already summonable.
  • Choose a unique ID and rename the NPC to your liking, I set the ID to - Dremora1CaitliffMelee1 - and name as - aaaSirendianne. I also went to his race box and selected my custom made siren race to make him a siren.
  • Click the AI button and change Aggression to 5 and save. This helps prevent him from attacking anyone unless attacked.
  • Customize the NPC how you like by adding whatever clothing or items you would like it to wear/have. If you want to change its gender, check or uncheck the Female box.
  • Click Ok and a message box will pop up asking if you would like you change the original NPC to your unique name. Select yes, otherwise you could end up with a lot of problems in your mod.
  • Next, we want to place our new NPC into the game world, so choose a cell in the Cell View window and double click to open it up. It doesn't much matter which one, so long as you place it outside of the normal playable area. You may also wish to simple create a new cell instead.

Next, we want to place out new NPC into the game world, so go to the Cell View window and double click to open it up. Right click and select New, and rename it to something like aaaPetCell.

  • Go to the Object Window and find an interior under WorldObjects -> Static -> Architecture and drag that over to your new cell. Change the reference to something suitable, then set the Position to (0,0,10) and check the Persistent Reference box.
  • Next drag your new NPC over into the cell and right click it in the Editor ID list and select Edit. Change its position to the same as above (0,0,10), then set its Reference Editor ID, in this case I went with aaasirendp. Once that's done check the "Persistent Reference" and "Initially Disabled" boxes.

If your summon is a creature, you can go to the Ownership tab and select Player under NPC.Doing this will prevent it from attacking you should you hit it a few times.

In regards to "NPCRefHere" in the script, replace it with the Reference Editor ID you chose for your NPC.

Step Four: Creating the Script[edit | edit source]

  • Go to the Gameplay menu, select edit scripts and create a new script and name it it, I called mine aaasirenspelldp.

Paste this in and edit it accordingly, you should recongnize the names used.

Scriptname aaaSirenspelldp

Begin ScriptEffectStart
;You can edit the numbers to change where it appears relative to the player.
          NPCRefHere.moveto player 30 30 10
          playMagicShaderVisuals effectSummonMythicDawn 2
          playsound AMBThunder
;Activates global quest
          set SirenCount to 1

Begin ScriptEffectFinish
;This moves the NPC back to where it was.
;Edit the line below and change the cell name to the one your NPC was placed in.
           NPCRefHere.PositionCell 0 0 10 0 CellNameHere
;Deactivates global quest
            set SirenCount to 0

Change the script effect type to Magic Effect and save.

Now change the type of script it is to * Magic Effect * We're almost done!

Step Five: Finishing Up[edit | edit source]

Go back to the spell you created in the Spell list and edit the effect. Under Script Effect Info, select your newly created spell next to Script, mine was called 1diasummonspell. Click Ok and save. Now we just have to add the spell to the game. If you had made a custom race, go to Character -> Race and select your race, then drag and drop your spell into the Specials list. Save your .esp and enjoy!