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Revision as of 20:50, 24 October 2008 by imported>Relax and Play
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An NPC is a class of actor that can engage in dialogue, commit crimes, wear armor or clothing, or can be pickpocketed.

  • ID: Form ID of the object
  • Name: Display name for the object
  • Script: Active script for all references of this object. Select the elipses marks (...) to edit or view the script.
  • Class: Assigns the NPC its class and associated skills and attributes.
  • Summonable: If checked, the NPC will appear in the list of actors for any summon effect; that NPC can be summoned with a summoning spell.
  • Level: Level is used to determine a whole range of attributes, including skills, hit points, and more if auto calc is enabled. If PC Level Offset is checked, this becomes the offset (positive or negative) from the player's level.
  • PC Level Offset: Checkbox for making the NPC leveled. Activates the Calc Min and Calc Max boxes. This forces the NPC's stats to be recalculated in-game based on the player's level. The effects of this recalculation are heavily influenced by the NPC Class. A complete description of how this works can be found here.
  • Calc Min: The minimum level the NPC is allowed to be if PC Level Offset is checked. Values of less than one are presumed to be one.
  • Calc Max: The maximum level the NPC is allowed to be if PC Level Offset is checked. Zero is defined as unlimited.
  • Race: Assigns the NPC's race from the provided dropdown.
  • Female: If checked, NPC will be a female character.
  • Death Item: When the NPC dies, an item from this leveled list is placed in the NPC's inventory.
  • Nif file: The skeleton mesh used by this NPC.
  • Miscellaneous Flags:

Flag Function
Quest Item NPC updates itself more frequently, and its corpse isn't removed when the cell regenerates.
Essential The NPC becomes unkillable, and replaces death with being unconscious (this lasts for roughly 10 seconds.)
Respawn If the NPC is killed, he or she will be recreated after three days. All references are recalculated and healed after three days, regardless of whether or not this flag is marked.
Can Corpse Check Allows the NPC to examine any corpses that it can see.
No Persuasion If checked, this NPC will not have the Persuasion button available.
No Rumors If checked, this NPC will not have the Rumors topic in dialogue.
No low level processing If checked, the NPC will not run scripts or AI packages unless the player is within the same cell as the NPC in question.

  • Preview: View the model for the NPC in the right window.
    • Full: Displays the full model.
    • Head: Display the head only.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Disposition and NPCs: The disposition formula for NPCs includes things like the player's fame or bounty, on top of the usual modifiations (such as race, personality, etc.)
  • As is true with the Face Generation tab for the Race management menu, the Face Generation tab for individual NPCs only gives a rough idea of what they'll appear as in-game at best. (NPcs more closely resemble their Construction Set Counterparts, however.)
  • Sometimes, if one is using the face generation tab, the Construction Set will not allow a full preview of the NPC to appear unless you close and re-open the NPC's control window.

Pages in category "NPC"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.