Category talk:Dialogue

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When I am adding new dialogue how do I create spoken dialogue for characters? How do I take .wav files or whatever else and add them to the game?

-Very important question about dialogue here : -> Anyone know how to use one single audio file for more than one dialogue? -> Or Anyone know how to adjust dialogue display time, whithout "FAIDefaultSpeechMult" (it doesnt work, and even if it works other .esp files may remove this information) ?

Removed this suggestion. I'm an idiot, sorry. Scruggs 22:14, 2 June 2006 (EDT)
Dragoon Wraith TALK 12:14, 2 June 2006 (EDT): Thanks for that information, that's very useful!
I've got an idea. After "unpacking" the BSA files using ghostwheel's TES4BSA program, maybe you can record a dialogue, and add it to the appropriate directory? Or even better (so the 1 Giga-byte or so files don't have to be downloaded,) is to create a Voices3.bsa, or name it something a little less obvious, like VoicesScruggs1.bsa so that it doesn't conflict with other people's plug-ins. TheImperialDragon 10:10, 3 June 2006 (EDT)