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How do I create a new World Space?

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This is relying on the fact that you choose to use existing climates and weather to construct a very simple world space.

Step 1 Select World Spaces from the World menu.

Step 2 Right click in the list of world spaces and select new, supplying an unused reference id when prompted (Ex. MyTestWorld).

Step 3 Fill in the name of the world space (as viewable by player Ex. New World).

Step 4 Fill in the parent world space if necessary (Ex. Tamriel) or you can just leave it at NONE - This will set the landscape of the world space.

Step 5 Select from various options at bottom according to what you want (fast travel and such).

Step 6 Hit OK and your world space should be added. To see it use the dropdown menu in the Cell editor and select it by its reference ID.

Other Features/Options:

Music: The general music for your world space. It will be used if the cell doesn't have any music set.

Map Data: If you want to include a navigation map (like the one you use to fast travel).

The file to the navigation map usually is the C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\Textures\Menus\Map\ file.

Usable Dimensions: Outer bounds of the map that the player can go to.

Cell Coordinates: Allows you to set the usable dimensions based on cells you have created.

For a detailed tutorial on how to make a World Space, go to World Space Tutorial

See Also[edit | edit source]