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Activate;CS;Inventory;Activate object.
Abs;OBSE;Math;Converts negative number to equivalent positive number.
AddAchievement;CS;Misc.;X-Box only
AddFlames;CS;Inventory;Adds the 'flame nodes' object to the object
Activate;CS;Inventory;Activate object.
AddItem;CS;Actor, Inventory;Adds number of item to calling container's inventory.
Activate2;OBSE 17;;
AddScriptPackage;CS;AI, Actor;Adds script package to the calling actor.
ActorValueToCode;OBSE 18;;
AddSpell;CS;Actor, Magic;Add spell/ability/disease to actor.
ActorValueToString;OBSE 17;;
AddTopic;CS;Dialog;Adds the topic to player's known list of topics.
ActorValueToStringC;OBSE 17;;
AdvancePCLevel;CS;Player;Brings up the 'level menu' and allows player to advance a level.
AddAchievement;CS;Misc.;X-Box only
AdvancePCSkill;CS;Player;Increases player's skill by the given amount.
AddEffectItem;OBSE 10;Magic;
Autosave;CS;Misc.;Force an autosave of the game.
AddEffectItemC;OBSE 10;Magic;
CanHaveFlames;CS;Condition, Inventory;Returns 1 if the object can have flames.
AddFlames;CS;Inventory;Adds the 'flame nodes' object to the object
CanPayCrimeGold;CS;Condition, Crime;Returns 1 if actor can pay their bounty (crime gold)
AddFullEffectItem;OBSE 11;Magic;
Cast;CS;Actor, Magic;Calling object casts the spell at specified target.
AddFullEffectItemC;OBSE 11;Magic;
ClearOwnership;CS 1.2;Inventory;Removes all ownership to the item in question.
AddItem;CS;Actor, Inventory;Adds number of item to calling container's inventory.
CloseCurrentOblivionGate;CS;Misc.;Performs functions and closes current oblivion gate.
AddItemNS;OBSE 15;;
CloseOblivionGate;CS;Misc.;If calling reference is an Oblivion gate, closes it.
AddMagicEffectCounter;OBSE 17;;
CompleteQuest;CS;Quest;Marks the quest as complete.
AddScriptPackage;CS;AI, Actor;Adds script package to the calling actor.
CreateFullActorCopy;CS;Actor;Creates a copy of the actor and its base.
AddSpell;CS;Actor, Magic;Add spell/ability/disease to actor.
DeleteFullActorCopy;CS;Actor;Deletes a created reference and its base object.
AddSpellNS;OBSE 15;;
Disable;CS;Misc.;Disables the calling object.
AddToLeveledList;OBSE 13;Inventory;
DisableLinkedPathPoints;CS;Misc.;Disables any path points linked to the calling object.
AddTopic;CS;Dialog;Adds the topic to player's known list of topics.
DisablePlayerControls;CS;Player;Player cannot move, wait, activate things, access journal.
AdvancePCLevel;CS;Player;Brings up the 'level menu' and allows player to advance a level.
Dispel;CS;Actor, Magic;Removes specified spell/magic that is affecting an actor.
AdvancePCSkill;CS;Player;Increases player's skill by the given amount.
DispelAllSpells;CS;Actor, Magic;Removes all current spells/magic that affecting an actor.
AHammerKey;OBSE;Input;Simulates rapid keypresses on odd frames.
Drop;CS;Actor, Inventory;Calling actor drops the specified item(s) in the world at his feet.
DropMe;CS;Inventory;Drops the calling item from its container.
AnimPathIncludes;OBSE 15;;
DuplicateAllItems;CS;Actor, Inventory;Duplicates all items into the target container.
AppendToName;OBSE 11;Inventory;
DuplicateNPCStats;CS;Actor;Duplicates all stats from specified actor to calling actor.
Ar Append;OBSE 19;;
Enable;CS;Misc.;Enables the calling object.
Ar BadNumericIndex;OBSE 17;;
EnableFastTravel;CS;Misc.;Enables or disables fast travel.
Ar BadStringIndex;OBSE 17;;
EnableLinkedPathPoints;CS;Misc.;Enables any path points linked to the calling object.
Ar Construct;OBSE 17;;
EnablePlayerControls;CS;Player;Call after DisablePlayerControls to reenable controls.
Ar Copy;OBSE 17;;
EquipItem;CS;Actor, Inventory;Forces the actor to equip the item.
Ar DeepCopy;OBSE 17;;
EssentialDeathReload;CS;Misc.;Forces reload of the game, following an optional message.
Ar Dump;OBSE 17;;
EvaluatePackage;CS;AI, Actor;Forces actor to reevaluate which AI package they should run.
Ar DumpID;OBSE 17;;
ForceActorValue;CS;Actor, Stats;Modifies the current value of stat to the given value.
Ar Erase;OBSE 17;;
ForceCloseOblivionGate;CS;Misc.;Instantly closes the calling oblivion gate.
Ar Find;OBSE 17;;
ForceFlee;CS;AI, Actor;Causes actor to analyze area for threats and flee if threat found.
Ar First;OBSE 17;;
ForceTakeCover;CS;AI, Actor;
Ar HasKey;OBSE 17;;
Ar Insert;OBSE 18;;
GetActionRef;CS;;Returns reference to Actor activating the caller (OnActivate block type only!).
Ar InsertRange;OBSE 18;;
GetActorValue;CS;Actor, Condition, Stats;Returns current value of an NPC/Player [[Stats List|stat]].
Ar Keys;OBSE 17;;
GetAlarmed;CS;Actor, Condition, Crime;
Ar Last;OBSE 17;;
GetAmountSoldStolen;CS;Condition, Player;
Ar List;OBSE 18;;
GetAngle;CS;Condition, Movement;Finds the angle (0-360 degrees) on specified axis.
Ar Map;OBSE 19;;
GetArmorRating;CS;Actor, Condition, Stats;
Ar Next;OBSE 17;;
GetArmorRatingUpperBody;CS;Actor, Condition, Stats;
Ar Null;OBSE 17;;
GetAttacked;CS;Actor, Combat, Condition;
Ar Prev;OBSE 17;;
GetBarterGold;CS;Condition, Stats;Gives amount of gold available from NPC vendor.
Ar Range;OBSE 18;;
GetBaseActorValue;CS;Actor, Condition, Stats;
Ar Resize;OBSE 18;;
GetBaseActorValueC;OBSE;Actor, Condition, Stats;
Ar Size;OBSE 17;;
GetButtonPressed;CS;;Returns number of button (counting from 0) clicked in last MessageBox.
Ar Sort;OBSE 17;;
GetClassDefaultMatch;CS;Condition, Player;
Ar SortAlpha;OBSE 17;;
GetClothingValue;CS;Condition;Computes the total value of worn equipment on the actor.
ar_CustomSort;OBSE 20;;
GetCombatTarget;CS;Actor, Combat;
ArrayCmp;Pluggy;Array;Compares two arrays.
GetContainer;CS;;Returns a reference to the container the scripted object is in, if any.
ArrayCount;Pluggy;Array;Returns the count of indexes that contain a value.
GetCrime;CS;Actor, Condition, Crime;
ArrayEsp;Pluggy;Array;Gets or sets the esp associated to an array.
GetCrimeGold;CS;Condition, Crime;
ArrayProtect;Pluggy;Array;Gets or sets the protection state of an array.
GetCrimeKnown;CS;Actor, Crime;
ArraySize;Pluggy;Array;Gets or sets the size of an array.
GetCurrentAIPackage;CS;AI, Actor, Condition;
AsciiToChar;OBSE 17;;
GetCurrentAIProcedure;CS;AI, Actor, Condition;
GetCurrentWeatherPercent;CS;Condition, Weather;
Autosave;CS;Misc.;Force an autosave of the game.
GetDead;CS;Actor, Condition;
CalcLeveledItem;OBSE 13;Inventory;
CalcLevItemNR;OBSE 15;;
CalcLevItems;OBSE 18;;
GetDetected;CS;Actor, Condition;
CanCastPower;OBSE 17;;
GetDetectionLevel;CS;Actor, Condition, Crime;
CanCorpseCheck;OBSE 14;;
GetDisabled;CS;Condition, Inventory;
CanFastTravelFromWorld;OBSE 20;;
GetDisposition;CS;Actor, Condition, Stats;
CanHaveFlames;CS;Condition, Inventory;Returns 1 if the object can have flames.
GetDistance;CS;Condition, Movement;
CanPayCrimeGold;CS;Condition, Crime;Returns 1 if actor can pay their bounty (crime gold)
CanTravelToMapMarker;OBSE 16;;
GetEquipped;CS;Actor, Condition, Inventory;
Cast;CS;Actor, Magic;Calling object casts the spell at specified target.
GetFactionRank;CS;Actor, Condition, Faction;
Ceil;OBSE;Math;Rounds decimal portion of number up, even if less than 0.5.
GetFactionRankDifference;CS;Actor, Condition, Faction;
GetFactionReaction;CS;Condition, Faction;
ClearHotKey;OBSE 15;;
GetFatiguePercentage;CS;Actor, Condition, Stats;
ClearLeveledList;OBSE 15;;
GetForceRun;CS;Actor, Condition;
ClearOwnership;CS 1.2;Inventory;Removes all ownership to the item in question.
GetForceSneak;CS;Actor, Condition;
ClearOwnership_T;OBSE 20;;
GetFriendHit;CS;Actor, Combat, Condition;
ClearPlayersLastRiddenHorse;OBSE 20;;
GetFurnitureMarkerID;CS;Condition, Inventory;
ClickMenuButton;OBSE 16;;
CloneForm;OBSE;Actor, Inventory;
CloseAllMenus;OBSE 15;Misc.;Closes all currently open menus.
CloseCurrentOblivionGate;CS;Misc.;Performs functions and closes current oblivion gate.
CloseOblivionGate;CS;Misc.;If calling reference is an Oblivion gate, closes it.
CloseTextInput;OBSE 16;;
CompareFemaleBipedPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareFemaleGroundPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareFemaleIconPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareIconPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareMaleBipedPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareMaleGroundPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareMaleIconPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareModelPath;OBSE 10;;
CompareName;OBSE 10;Inventory;
CompareNames;OBSE 13;Inventory;
CompareScripts;OBSE 15;;
CompleteQuest;CS;Quest;Marks the quest as complete.
Con GetINISetting;OBSE;;
Con HairTint;OBSE;;
Con LoadGame;OBSE 13;;
Con ModWaterShader;OBSE;;
Con PlayerSpellBook;OBSE 14;;
Con QuitGame;OBSE;;
Con RefreshINI;OBSE;;
Con RunMemoryPass;OBSE;;
Con Save;OBSE;;
Con SaveINI;OBSE;;
Con SetCameraFOV;OBSE;;
Con SetClipDist;OBSE;;
Con SetFog;OBSE;;
Con SetGameSetting;OBSE;;
Con SetGamma;OBSE;;
Con SetHDRParam;OBSE;;
Con SetImageSpaceGlow;OBSE;;
Con SetINISetting;OBSE;;
Con SetSkyParam;OBSE;;
Con SetTargetRefraction;OBSE;;
Con SetTargetRefractionFire;OBSE;;
Con SexChange;OBSE;;
Con ToggleAI;OBSE;;
Con ToggleCombatAI;OBSE;;
Con ToggleDetection;OBSE;;
Con ToggleMapMarkers;OBSE 14;;
Con ToggleMenus;OBSE;;
Con WaterDeepColor;OBSE;;
Con WaterReflectionColor;OBSE;;
Con WaterShallowColor;OBSE;;
Con_CAL;OBSE 10;Console;
Con_LoadGame;OBSE 13;Console;
Con_PlayerSpellBook;OBSE 14;Console;
Con_QuitGame;OBSE 11;Console;
Con_Save;OBSE 10;Console;
Con_SaveINI;OBSE 11;Console;
Con_TCL;OBSE 10;Console;
Con_TFC;OBSE 12;Console;
Con_TGM;OBSE 11;Console;
Con_ToggleAI;OBSE 10;Console;
Con_ToggleCombatAI;OBSE 10;Console;
Con_ToggleMapMarkers;OBSE 14;Console;
Con_ToggleMenus;OBSE 10;Console;
CopyAllEffectItems;OBSE 10;Magic;
CopyArray;Pluggy;Array;Creates a copy of an array and returns the newly created ArrayID.
CopyEyes;OBSE 13;;
CopyFemaleBipedPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyFemaleGroundPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyFemaleIconPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyHair;OBSE 13;;
CopyIconPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyIR;OBSE 19;;
CopyMaleBipedPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyMaleGroundPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyMaleIconPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyModelPath;OBSE 10;;
CopyName;OBSE 10;Inventory;
CopyNthEffectItem;OBSE 10;Magic;
CreateArray;Pluggy;Array;Creates a new array.
CreateFullActorCopy;CS;Actor;Creates a copy of the actor and its base.
CreateTempRef;OBSE 19
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