Talk:Basic NPC Creation Tutorial

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Awesome tutorial, thanks for the help. Sockmonkeh 19:44, 4 April 2006 (EDT)

Indeed, this is an awesome tutorial. I have a question regarding the food note at the very bottom of the tutorial. If I don't give the NPC food, and their class is Thief, will they be likely to attempt to steal the food from somewhere else? I have a certain character in mind I'm working on in a project. Ranilin 01:01, 5 April 2006 (EDT)

Thanks for the feedback. Class has nothing to do with an NPC's tendency to steal, though a class with high sneak is much less likely to be caught. (thought it is fun to watch guards slaughter clumsy thieves) Instead, take any food out of the NPC's inventory, and give it a package to search for food. You may want to check the "always sneak" box when creating that package. The silver bullet you're looking for is the responsibility setting that I didn't really get into with the tutorial. A low-responsibility NPC is more likely to do certain things, most notably of which is stealing, and less likely to do things such as call the guards when witnessing a crime. Hope this helps you out. JBurgess 10:03, 5 April 2006 (EDT) 10:03, 5 April 2006 (EDT)

Ah, yes, that does help. It also explains why I can't get a certain NPC I added to one of my bought houses to get food to eat (food didn't belong to her) without -1 food in her inventory. I found that setting responsibility higher made them less likely to oversleep, they go to bed on time, eat on time, etc. Makes their scripting easier to test for me.. but unless I expressly make the food theirs, they won't pick it up with 100 responsibility. :) Ranilin 15:19, 8 April 2006 (EDT)

How exactly do factions work? I right click on the list of factions but I don't have an option to add new factions. Is there something I'm missing? --Dagit 01:50, 14 April 2006 (EDT)

Oh, I get it. You drag&drop the faction you want to add.

Height[edit source]

Is there any way to control an NPC's height?

You could try SetScale using a script.

here is a sample scrip

scriptname YYYY
begin onload
setscale x.x

replace YYY with the name you desire and x.x with the height and you are good to go

SickleYield 3 October 2006

Or you can just set the NPC's scale in the Construction Set. It's in the main screen popup you get right after you double-click on an object in the CS. It's there for characters, too, it's just only there when you've already placed them somewhere in a cell. WarKirby and Omegano's mods both use this method (over on tessource - Peragus and MyCastle) to create giant NPCs.

Packages[edit source]

I have been experimenting with packages and I can't seem to get it to work right. I can get an NPC to do one thing but then nothing else. Example, I set him to sleep from 10pm to 6am and then eat from 6am to 7 am. He goes to sleep at ten but then he NEVER gets out of bed. Just lays there. Even if you talk to him he will get up talk to you and then lay beck down when the conversation is over. What am I doing wrong? -Phoenix7879

Do you have the "Continue if PC near" box checked? This will cause the NPC to pretent being asleep until you leave his house.--JOG 03:40, 29 August 2006 (EDT)

That did it. Thanks! -Phoenix7879

SickleYield 3 October 2006

Eek. Zucklas Parnal's sex-oriented spamalinks deleted. Does that happen here a lot?

Bounding Box[edit source]

Can I get a confirmation if the NPC's bounding (hit) box is hardcoded, or can it be modified?

Disappearance[edit source]

I have spent a great deal of time making an NPC and a house for him. However, upon entering the house, the NPC fails to appear. The Npc was created from scratch, the level was originally a cave. the truly frustrating part is that i have placed a generic bandit in the house as well, and she appeared without issue. I have also placed the NPC on the overland map, and he appeared there with incident. It is only the NPC in his own house that refuses to appear. It is not the placement, as I have tried moving him repeatedly, nor it it the z coordinate, as he is standing several inches above the floor. I tried to run a havoc test in order to bring him to the floor, but he did not move. Any tips would be appreciated.

Make sure he has no AI packages which tell him to be in a location other than the house. You can also check his location in game by jotting down his reference formID (such as 0100C32A or whatever it happens to be), then using player.moveTo formID in the console to teleport to his current location. Scruggs 20:29, 21 March 2007 (EDT)
thanxs, i found him several thousand feet above the room (he has no scripts at the moment) now i am trying to figure out how he keeps getting there.
Make sure you've set up a path grid in your cell. Scruggs 00:29, 22 March 2007 (EDT)

Another Disappearance[edit source]

Drawing from this tutorial, and the My First Shop tut, I created an Orc bartender for my bar. Upon testing the bar, he is no where to be found. I opened the CS and there he was. I tried the "player.moveto" command in-game, but it just says that the reference cannot be found. Help me, please. Amole 00:08, April. 7 2008

Can't get NPC's to walk?[edit source]

I'm having an issue with it and well, it could really use some fixing. I have the Path Grid set, but none of the NPC's will walk. The most they'll even do is attack each other, then go right back to where they were standing before (which is also an issue because they're suppose to only attack the player...not each other) How can I fix these problems?

Edit - Okey, i was really stupid to not figure this out, problem solved, if your having the same issue i'll be glad to fill in

Save game inject?[edit source]

Is there any way I can take a save that I have in game and inject the face into an NPC? Using that character creating tool is so hard when trying to replicate a real life person. Anyone have any advice beside ball parking it in the NPC Creator?

Yes. Use WryeBash. Install it, go to your Oblivion directory, go to Mopy/Extras and copy the Blank.esp there. Paste it into the Data directory and name it something like MyCharFace.esp
Now go open WryeBash, navigate to the Mod list and find MyCharFace.esp right click it and select Import -> Face. Write down the name of the NPC generated in the window that pops up (in my case, it begins with "sgImpuxxxx").
Now open TESCS, open Oblivion.esp/DLCShiveringIsles.esp and MyCharFace.esp Don't set any active plugins. Go to the NPC list and find the NPC you created with WryeBash. He/She should be named with the string that WryeBash made (which is why I told you to write it down, makes it easier to find it). When you find it, go to the Faces Advanced Tab and click Copy. Then go to the NPC you want to change the face of, go to Face Advanced Tab and Paste.
Save it as a new plugin. Activate it when playing Oblivion and voila. The NPC now looks like the one in your save.
Additional Warnings: It is very important that the char you are using to get a face from and the NPC be of the same race. Even if they're both humans, the char gen generates different faces from the values. For example, if your character was a Nord and the NPC is an Imperial, if you paste the face from the Nord into the Imperial, he will look nothing like the original Nord face. He will not suddenly look like a Nord, he will remain an Imperial.--S14 12:19, 3 September 2010 (EDT)

Making an NPC with NO AI combat or otherwise[edit source]

Zello. loved teh tutorial, but im currectly trying to make a Mod for training new "adventurers" and i cant get the NPC's im using to just Sit in place and Do Nothing at all. ive removed all packages, scripts, but i cant seem to find a way to remove the Combat AI. cause thats whats causeing me trouble. the player "hits" the NPC for 0 and he starts attacking you back, but im trying to set him up so he just stands where he is inside the room so you can shoot/slash/hack at him with my custom training gear, but as soon as they are hit they chase you everwhere untill you knock it out with normal weapons(they are essential so no accidental killing lol) any Clue what im doing wrong? all my other NPC's having a combat package is perfectly fine, or actualy needed but i need a Purely Stupid npc now... well more like a living statue to beat on lol