Talk:Terrain Texturing

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Changing Tools?[edit source]

Once again i feel forced to ask what i guess is a common and/or stupid question. If it gets answered, i can delete it. Anyway, i fail to understand how to switch between the different instruments in the landscape editor window. If that is enough information to diagnosticize the error of my ways, then you don't have to read the big block of text up ahead. That is just the story of my life, since it's better to provide too many details than too few.

If i've understood right, i paint on textures by right-clicking and moving the mouse. Altering height is done by left-clicking and dragging tyhe mouse upwards or downwards. Vertex coloring is done by left-clicking and moving the mouse. Good so far? Ok. Well, At first i used height editing without any problems. Then, i tried to understand how to do the texture painting worked. First, i simply replaced the existing textures with a few textures of choice in every square, until i found that some squares had a lower amount of textures to replace, and i couldn't figure out how to add new ones. Then, i chose one texture, added it to all the squares, and deleted the other textures. Chose another texture and tried painting over the landscape. Nothing happened. While reading a few tutorials on the subject of landscape editing (and not finding out what i did wrong), i figured i could do some more height editing. That was when i found out i had somehow chosen the vertex tool, and couldn't use the height editing tool.

So.. Yeah.. Help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. Oh, and I couln't have posted this on the forums instead, since some bug prevents me from creating an account there. Oh dear, I am not a friend of technology.

--ArtisticPlatypus 14:37, 23 July 2009 (EDT)

I am afraid I don't know the answer, and I'm not sure anyone who does will see this question. What, exactly, is wrong with your registration? Can you fill out the form, and if so, do you get the e-mail? If you get the e-mail, does the link work? If so, what is going wrong? What browser/version are you using?
I may be able to help better with the forum thing than this question.
Dragoon Wraith TALK 17:29, 23 July 2009 (EDT)
You can switch between vertex painting and height editing by ticking the Edit Colors box in the Vertex Color part of the Landscape Editing window. Or you can press Q with the Render Window active. The textures not showing up is caused by something different.
Each quad (4 cells) allows up to 9 different textures, if you're trying to add more textures nothing happens. Until now you've just been painting textures on top of each other until the list was full. To add any more textures you first have to delete some underlying textures.
You can see the cell borders by pressing B with the Render Window active. Pressing I will bring up the list of textures of the 4 nearby quads. This requires the Landscape Editing Window to be open, but the Render Window should be the active window. To delete textures, you simply select a texture in the list and press delete.
I think this information is somewhere in the tutorial, but it may not be as clear as it should be. Having your question and my answer on the talk page may help other users, so don't delete this. Eventually the information in the tutorial should be clarified, but I don't have time to do that.
--Qazaaq 02:52, 24 July 2009 (EDT)
As for the forum thing, i click register, and automatically proceed to a page telling me 'Our Registration Policy: Registration can not proceed.', and tells me to read their privacy policy. I do not live in the US, could that be the proble?)
And about the textures.. I am quite sure i haven't exceeded the number of allowed textures, since all squares i'm editing contains between 2 and 4 textures each (I'm making an island of a piece of seafloor). Thanks for the tip of checking and unchecking the edit colors box, that seems to work. However, i still can't paint textures onto the ground.. Also, I can't edit the height of certain patches of ground (i know the height edit tool is selected), most often patches of ground where the height differs a lot. Like, i i select an area containing three smaller peaks, i can't seem to affect it. Oh, and now the vertex coloring tool seemed to stop working, too. Geez. Anyway, thanks for the quick answers!
EDIT: Ok, this is really weird.. Suddenly, the texture painting worked, but without me pressing any mouse button.. It simply peinted wherever i moved the cursor. Since it quitckly started dominating the landscape, i set the max opacity to 20 percent. However, i still added the texture in amounts from 60 to 90 percent. I then pressed 'q', got the vertex tool which suddenly worked.. Something is seriously messed up there.
EDIT 2: Hm, now most of the stuff seems to be working correctly. I have no idea why it didn't earlier, though.
--ArtisticPlatypus 10:38, 24 July 2009 (EDT)
No, international users are welcome and encouraged to join. What browser/version are you using? Do you have cookies enabled? What security setting? I think the problem is likely with your browser.
Depending on which not-US country you live in, it might also be the ISP, but that's rather unlikely. I can't imagine why anyone would block Bethsoft.
Dragoon Wraith TALK 12:18, 24 July 2009 (EDT)
I live in Sweden, and the only thing i know is blocked by the swedish government is child pornography.. I don't think these forums count as that. My browser is firefox. Version 3.0.12. I have cookies enabled. I do run on vista, which is kind of extreme when it comes to security, right? May be that. Strange though, because i have never encountered problems when it comes to registering in other forums.
--ArtisticPlatypus 16:06, 24 July 2009 (EDT)
It seems like everything is in order (regarding software requirements). The message could be caused by filling in a birthdate that makes you less than 13 years old. You need to be at least 13 years old to register on the forums, you should have been asked to fill in your birthdate.
If you've accidentally filled in a date after 1997 you'll have to clear your browser's cookies before you can register. In firefox you can do this by going to Tools > Clear Recent History, then select Everything. Under details you can unselect all options but cookies to keep your browsing history, cache, etc. Note that you may lose any saved passwords and login information.
--Qazaaq 17:16, 24 July 2009 (EDT)
Ah, that must be it.. I'm not sure, but i may have tried to make a 1/1/2009 account.. Well, if i have to clear my cookies in order to join the forum, i think i prefer asking for help in some other forum. But thanks anyway!
--ArtisticPlatypus 04:26, 25 July 2009 (EDT)
Something that just occurred to me; you can also use Internet Explorer to register the account (browsers don't share cookies). Then you'll be able to log in with Firefox just fine, without clearing your cookies.
--Qazaaq 17:49, 25 July 2009 (EDT)
Qazaaq, I just want to say, I am impressed - I never would have thought of that.
Dragoon Wraith TALK 22:14, 25 July 2009 (EDT)