User talk:Lt rico

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Your question[edit source]

Hi, I've started using this program and have come across an ANNOYING problem.

When TES Construction Set crashes I open it up again and load my mod.

Everything is fine, until I try to save it.

When I press save and (for example) name it mod123123, it says I cannot save it as that because it is already in use.

What I am trying to do, is Overwrite the mod I am working on.

I have tried many times to save/overwrite it but it will not let me.

I have tried saving it with a seperate name, but I find that most of the things in my mod have disappeared.

Strangely enough, the things that have dissapeared were the things I added after Tes crashed.

It is as if, Tes is only loading the objects/things I had put on before it crashed.

All I am trying to do is overwrite my mod because I have made some changes to it. Please help.

Hi. I'm afraid you've put your question in the wrong place; the Request Other template is for requesting a new article, but trouble-shooting like this doesn't really need it's own article. In fact, the policy on the Wiki is to avoid such questions entirely - the Forums will get you a better, more accurate answer much more quickly, and having the question here leads to clutter and can make it difficult to search for new information. So I'd recommend trying there.
As for your question... Do you have a "mod123123.tes" file in your Data folder? This sounds familiar to a very strange thing that had happened to me once. If so... well, I forget exactly how I fixed it, but that would be a good thing to include in your forum post. Hope that helps!
Dragoon Wraith TALK 21:30, 21 March 2010 (EDT)
See Active File.
--Qazaaq 03:32, 22 March 2010 (EDT)