Category:Functions (OBSE v0015)
Revision as of 01:49, 26 May 2008 by imported>DragoonWraith (matching style of v0014)
Beta Function
This function has not been fully tested yet, and is not ready to be used in a released mod. It may not have the same function in later versions, may require the script to be recompiled, or simply may be removed. Use for testing purposes only until the author of the function says otherwise.
Functions added by OBSE, version 0015.
Pages in category "Functions (OBSE v0015)"
The following 144 pages are in this category, out of 144 total.
- GetActiveMenuFilter
- GetActiveMenuMode
- GetActiveMenuObject
- GetActiveMenuRef
- GetActiveMenuSelection
- GetAlchMenuApparatus
- GetAlchMenuIngredient
- GetAlchMenuIngredientCount
- GetAltControl2
- GetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectileEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectilePoison
- GetCalcAllLevels
- GetCalcEachInCount
- GetChanceNone
- GetCloseSound
- GetContainerMenuView
- GetCreatureSound
- GetEnchMenuEnchItem
- GetEnchMenuSoulgem
- GetEyes
- GetFallTimer
- GetFullGoldValue
- GetGodMode
- GetHair
- GetHairColor
- GetHotkeyItem
- GetLevItemByLevel
- GetLoopSound
- GetMagicProjectileSpell
- GetModIndex
- GetNthDetectedActor
- GetNthLevItem
- GetNthLevItemCount
- GetNthLevItemLevel
- GetNthPackage
- GetNumDetectedActors
- GetNumLevItems
- GetNumLoadedPlugins
- GetNumPackages
- GetOBSERevision
- GetOpenSound
- GetPCAttributeBonus
- GetPCMajorSkillUps
- GetProcessLevel
- GetProjectileSource
- GetProjectileType
- GetRefCount
- GetRefVariable
- GetServicesMask
- GetSoundPlaying
- GetSourceModIndex
- GetTotalPCAttributeBonus
- GetTrainerLevel
- GetTrainerSkill
- GetVariable
- IsAnimGroupPlaying
- IsAttacking
- IsBarterMenuActive
- IsBipedIconPathValid
- IsBipedModelPathValid
- IsBlocking
- IsCasting
- IsDodging
- IsFlying
- IsIconPathValid
- IsInAir
- IsJumping
- IsModelPathValid
- IsMovingBackward
- IsMovingForward
- IsMovingLeft
- IsMovingRight
- IsOnGround
- IsPlayable2
- IsPowerAttacking
- IsRecoiling
- IsReference
- IsSpellHostile
- IsStaggered
- IsTurningLeft
- IsTurningRight
- SetAltControl
- SetCloseSound
- SetControl
- SetDetectionState
- SetHasBeenPickedUp
- SetHotkeyItem
- SetLoopSound
- SetMagicProjectileSpell
- SetMessageIcon
- SetMessageSound
- SetNameEx
- SetOffersApparatus
- SetOffersArmor
- SetOffersBooks
- SetOffersClothing
- SetOffersIngredients
- SetOffersLights
- SetOffersMagicItems
- SetOffersMiscItems
- SetOffersPotions
- SetOffersRecharging
- SetOffersRepair
- SetOffersServicesC
- SetOffersSpells
- SetOffersTraining
- SetOffersWeapons
- SetOpenSound
- SetPlayerProjectile
- SetRefCount
- SetSpellHostile
- SetTrainerLevel
- SetTrainerSkill