Category:Functions (OBSE v0015)
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Functions added by OBSE, version 0015.
Pages in category "Functions (OBSE v0015)"
The following 144 pages are in this category, out of 144 total.
- GetActiveMenuFilter
- GetActiveMenuMode
- GetActiveMenuObject
- GetActiveMenuRef
- GetActiveMenuSelection
- GetAlchMenuApparatus
- GetAlchMenuIngredient
- GetAlchMenuIngredientCount
- GetAltControl2
- GetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectileEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectilePoison
- GetCalcAllLevels
- GetCalcEachInCount
- GetChanceNone
- GetCloseSound
- GetContainerMenuView
- GetCreatureSound
- GetEnchMenuEnchItem
- GetEnchMenuSoulgem
- GetEyes
- GetFallTimer
- GetFullGoldValue
- GetGodMode
- GetHair
- GetHairColor
- GetHotkeyItem
- GetLevItemByLevel
- GetLoopSound
- GetMagicProjectileSpell
- GetModIndex
- GetNthDetectedActor
- GetNthLevItem
- GetNthLevItemCount
- GetNthLevItemLevel
- GetNthPackage
- GetNumDetectedActors
- GetNumLevItems
- GetNumLoadedPlugins
- GetNumPackages
- GetOBSERevision
- GetOpenSound
- GetPCAttributeBonus
- GetPCMajorSkillUps
- GetProcessLevel
- GetProjectileSource
- GetProjectileType
- GetRefCount
- GetRefVariable
- GetServicesMask
- GetSoundPlaying
- GetSourceModIndex
- GetTotalPCAttributeBonus
- GetTrainerLevel
- GetTrainerSkill
- GetVariable
- IsAnimGroupPlaying
- IsAttacking
- IsBarterMenuActive
- IsBipedIconPathValid
- IsBipedModelPathValid
- IsBlocking
- IsCasting
- IsDodging
- IsFlying
- IsIconPathValid
- IsInAir
- IsJumping
- IsModelPathValid
- IsMovingBackward
- IsMovingForward
- IsMovingLeft
- IsMovingRight
- IsOnGround
- IsPlayable2
- IsPowerAttacking
- IsRecoiling
- IsReference
- IsSpellHostile
- IsStaggered
- IsTurningLeft
- IsTurningRight
- SetAltControl
- SetCloseSound
- SetControl
- SetDetectionState
- SetHasBeenPickedUp
- SetHotkeyItem
- SetLoopSound
- SetMagicProjectileSpell
- SetMessageIcon
- SetMessageSound
- SetNameEx
- SetOffersApparatus
- SetOffersArmor
- SetOffersBooks
- SetOffersClothing
- SetOffersIngredients
- SetOffersLights
- SetOffersMagicItems
- SetOffersMiscItems
- SetOffersPotions
- SetOffersRecharging
- SetOffersRepair
- SetOffersServicesC
- SetOffersSpells
- SetOffersTraining
- SetOffersWeapons
- SetOpenSound
- SetPlayerProjectile
- SetRefCount
- SetSpellHostile
- SetTrainerLevel
- SetTrainerSkill