Category:Functions (OBSE v0020)
Functions added by OBSE, version 0020.
Pages in category "Functions (OBSE v0020)"
The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total.
- GetActorBaseLevel
- GetBoundingRadius
- GetCallingScript
- GetCellClimate
- GetCellLighting
- GetCellNorthRotation
- GetCellWaterType
- GetCurrentPackageProcedure
- GetCurrentScript
- GetEditorSize
- GetEquippedTorchTimeLeft
- GetLightDuration
- GetLocalGravity
- GetMapMarkers
- GetMiddleHighActors
- GetNthActiveEffectActorValue
- GetNthEffectItem
- GetPathNodeLinkedRef
- GetPathNodePos
- GetPathNodesInRadius
- GetPathNodesInRect
- GetRaceDefaultHair
- GetRaceVoice
- GetRequiredSkillExp
- GetSkillSpecialization
- GetTimeLeft
- SetCanFastTravelFromWorld
- SetCellBehavesAsExterior
- SetCellClimate
- SetCellHasWater
- SetCellIsPublic
- SetCellLighting
- SetCellWaterType
- SetCreatureSkill
- SetInputText
- SetIsAutomaticDoor
- SetIsHiddenDoor
- SetIsMinimalUseDoor
- SetIsOblivionGate
- SetLightDuration
- SetLocalGravity
- SetLocalGravityVector
- SetPathNodeDisabled
- SetPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- SetRaceScale
- SetRaceWeight
- SetSkillSpecialization
- SetTextInputDefaultControlsDisabled
- SetTimeLeft
- SetVelocity