Category:Actor Values

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Actor Value Mechanics[edit | edit source]

There are six factors that contribute to an Actor Value:

The AV value from the Actor's base form - all instances of the actor share this value (e.g. all 'Imps' share the same Base Health). This factor is set by the designer in the CS, and then adjusted to the actor's level in game. It can be further modified by skill & attribute level increases, the SetAV console+script commands, and certain Ability effects (see notes). This value is stored a little differently for different actor values. For some (Skills & Attributes in particular) it may only have values between 0 and 255.
Calculated Base
The contribution to an AV from other AVs and game settings. For example, the Calculated Base for the player's Health is fPCBaseHealthMult * Endurance. This factor is generally used only for the player character. NPC and Creature health, to use the same example, do not depend on their endurance.
Calculated Multiplier
A multiplier to the AV from other AVs and game settings. This factor is almost always 1.0; the exception is the MagickaMultiplier for the player character.
Max Modifier
For Actors with middle process or higher. This factor is modified by 'recoverable' effects such as Fortify, Drain, Feather. Because it is stored only for actors with middle process, this modifier will be reset to zero if/when an actor's cell is unloaded.

Furthermore, for the player only, this modifier is recalculated every time the game is reloaded, apparently to guarantee that it's not affected by spells and equipment that are no longer active.

Script Modifier
For all Actors. This factor is doesn't seem to be used by the combat or magic systems. It is modified only by the ModAV and ForceAV script commands (not the console versions). Since it's not affected by ordinary damage or magic, changes this modifier cannot be undone by restoration spells or chapel healing, etc. If changed by a script, it is the script author's responsibility to change it back by the same amount later.
Damage Modifier
For Actors with low process or higher. This factor is modified by the ModAV and ForceAV console commands, by direct damage from combat, falling, lava, etc., and by 'nonrecoverable' effects like Damage & Restore. This modifier is intended only for negative values. Any change that would increase it above zero sets it to zero instead. However, there is a bug that sometimes allows positive values for NPCs and creatures. See the Note below for details.

There are two different 'versions' of an Actor Value that play a role in Oblivion:

Calculated Base Value  =  (Base + Calculated Base) * (Calculated Multiplier)

    Current Value      =   Calculated Base Value + Max Modifier 
                             + Script Modifier + Damage Modifier
Used For
Calculated Base Value
Returned by the GetBaseAV console+script commands. This value is used to check mastery level in a skill, and (for Alchemy) to compute player-created potion strength.
Current Value
Returned by the GetAV console+script commands. This is the value used for the vast majority of AV checks. It is the value shown in the menu and HUD for the player's stats.

The 'Maximum' value shown in the HUD for Health/Magicka/Fatigue is

Maximum Value = Calculated Base Value ( + Max Modifier, if Max Modifier > 0)

This is not the actual maximum value of these stats - they can be raised above this value using the script modifier. This is not seen in-game only because the Script modifier is so rarely used.

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • These formulas do not apply to Fame, Infamy, Bounty, or Encumbrance. These AVs are calculated differently, and stored differently as well. See the specifically pages for these stats for details.
  • When player stats are displayed in the menu, they are shown as green if the Current value is greater than the Calculated Base value, red if the Current value is less than the CBV, and blue if the two are equal.
  • For recoverable effects from abilities on the player (and only the player), the base modifier is changed instead of the max modifier. This is why benefits from birthsigns and certain quest rewards (like the Skeleton Key) can grant skill mastery perks.
  • There is a bug in the code for NPCs and creatures that allows the Damage modifier to be made positive if the current value of the modifier is zero. This means that e.g. casting a Restore Health spell on an NPC who is already at full health will actually add to their max health. However, any further change to the Damage modifier, including taking damage or casting the spell a second time will trigger the non-bugged code and force the Damage modifier to be <= zero.

List of Actor Values[edit | edit source]

The following stats can be accessed using the Actor Value commands. The code versions are used with the 'C' versions of various OBSE Actor Functions.

Actor Value Code Actor Value Code
Strength 0 Intelligence 1
Willpower 2 Agility 3
Speed 4 Endurance 5
Personality 6 Luck 7
Health 8 Magicka 9
Fatigue 10 Encumbrance 11
Armorer 12 Athletics 13
Blade 14 Block 15
Blunt 16 HandToHand 17
HeavyArmor 18 Alchemy 19
Alteration 20 Conjuration 21
Destruction 22 Illusion 23
Mysticism 24 Restoration 25
Acrobatics 26 LightArmor 27
Marksman 28 Mercantile 29
Security 30 Sneak 31
Speechcraft 32 Aggression 33
Confidence 34 Energy 35
Responsibility 36 Bounty 37
Fame* 38 Infamy* 39
MagickaMultiplier 40 NightEyeBonus 41
AttackBonus 42 DefendBonus 43
CastingPenalty 44 Blindness 45
Chameleon 46 Invisibility 47
Paralysis 48 Silence 49
Confusion 50 DetectItemRange 51
SpellAbsorbChance 52 SpellReflectChance 53
SwimSpeedMultiplier 54 WaterBreathing 55
WaterWalking 56 StuntedMagicka 57
DetectLifeRange 58 ReflectDamage 59
Telekinesis 60 ResistFire 61
ResistFrost 62 ResistDisease 63
ResistMagic 64 ResistNormalWeapons 65
ResistParalysis 66 ResistPoison 67
ResistShock 68 Vampirism 69
Darkness 70 ResistWaterDamage 71

Fame and Infamy[edit | edit source]

* - Fame and Infamy cannot be used as parameters for GetActorValue, SetActorValue, or ModActorValue. Use GetPCFame (Infamy), SetPCFame (Infamy), and ModPCFame (Infamy) instead. OBSE Actor Functions can accept it as a parameter, however.