Function Page
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Function Types (0)
- AI Functions (25)
- AddScriptPackage
- EvaluatePackage
- ForceFlee
- ForceTakeCover
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetRestrained
- GetUnconscious
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- Look
- RemoveScriptPackage
- SetActorsAI
- SetAlert
- SetAllReachable
- SetAllVisible
- SetNoAvoidance
- SetPackDuration
- SetRestrained
- SetSceneIsComplex
- SetUnconscious
- StopLook
- StopWaiting
- VampireFeed
- Wait
- AI Functions (CS 1.0) (24)
- AddScriptPackage
- EvaluatePackage
- ForceFlee
- ForceTakeCover
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetRestrained
- GetUnconscious
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- Look
- RemoveScriptPackage
- SetAlert
- SetAllReachable
- SetAllVisible
- SetNoAvoidance
- SetPackDuration
- SetRestrained
- SetSceneIsComplex
- SetUnconscious
- StopLook
- StopWaiting
- VampireFeed
- Wait
- AI Functions (CS 1.2) (1)
- Actor Functions (166)
- AddItem
- AddScriptPackage
- AddSpell
- Cast
- CloneForm
- CreateFullActorCopy
- DeleteFullActorCopy
- Dispel
- DispelAllSpells
- Drop
- DuplicateAllItems
- DuplicateNPCStats
- EquipItem
- EvaluatePackage
- ForceActorValue
- ForceFlee
- ForceTakeCover
- GetActorValue
- GetAlarmed
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetAttacked
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetCombatTarget
- GetCreatureBaseScale
- GetCreatureCombatSkill
- GetCreatureMagicSkill
- GetCreatureReach
- GetCreatureSoulLevel
- GetCreatureStealthSkill
- GetCreatureType
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeKnown
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetDead
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDisposition
- GetEquipped
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetGold
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetInCell
- GetInFaction
- GetInWorldspace
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetItemCount
- GetLOS
- GetLevel
- GetNthRaceBonusSkill
- GetNthRaceSpell
- GetRace
- GetRaceAttribute
- GetRaceAttributeC
- GetRaceSkillBonus
- GetRaceSkillBonusC
- GetRaceSpellCount
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetVampire
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- HasMagicEffect
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorDetected
- IsActorUsingATorch
- IsActorsAIOff
- IsClonedForm
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- IsCreature
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsGuard
- IsHorseStolen
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInCombat
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInInterior
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsLeftUp
- IsRaceBonusSkill
- IsRaceBonusSkillC
- IsRidingHorse
- IsRunning
- IsShieldOut
- IsSneaking
- IsSpellTarget
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTorchOut
- IsTrespassing
- IsWaiting
- IsWeaponOut
- IsYielding
- Kill
- KillAllActors
- Look
- ModActorValue
- ModBarterGold
- ModCrimeGold
- ModDisposition
- ModFactionRank
- PickIdle
- PlayGroup
- PlayMagicEffectVisuals
- PlayMagicShaderVisuals
- PushActorAway
- RemoveScriptPackage
- RemoveSpell
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- Say
- SayTo
- SendTrespassAlarm
- SetActorAlpha
- SetActorFullName
- SetActorRefraction
- SetActorValue
- SetAlert
- SetBarterGold
- SetClass
- SetCombatStyle
- SetEssential
- SetFactionRank
- SetForceSneak
- SetGhost
- SetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- SetInvestmentGold
- SetLevel
- SetNoRumors
- SetPackDuration
- SetRestrained
- SetSize
- SetUnconscious
- SkipAnim
- StartCombat
- StartConversation
- StopCombat
- StopCombatAlarmOnActor
- StopLook
- StopWaiting
- ToggleActorsAI
- UnequipItem
- VampireFeed
- Wait
- Yield
- Actor Functions (CS 1.0) (146)
- AddItem
- AddScriptPackage
- AddSpell
- Cast
- CreateFullActorCopy
- DeleteFullActorCopy
- Dispel
- DispelAllSpells
- Drop
- DuplicateAllItems
- DuplicateNPCStats
- EquipItem
- EvaluatePackage
- ForceActorValue
- ForceFlee
- ForceTakeCover
- GetActorValue
- GetAlarmed
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetAttacked
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetCombatTarget
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeKnown
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetDead
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDisposition
- GetEquipped
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetGold
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetInCell
- GetInFaction
- GetInWorldspace
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetItemCount
- GetLOS
- GetLevel
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetVampire
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- HasMagicEffect
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorDetected
- IsActorEvil
- IsActorUsingATorch
- IsActorsAIOff
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsGuard
- IsHorseStolen
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInCombat
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInInterior
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsLeftUp
- IsRidingHorse
- IsRunning
- IsShieldOut
- IsSneaking
- IsSpellTarget
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTorchOut
- IsTrespassing
- IsWaiting
- IsWeaponOut
- IsYielding
- Kill
- KillAllActors
- Look
- ModActorValue
- ModBarterGold
- ModCrimeGold
- ModDisposition
- ModFactionRank
- PickIdle
- PlayGroup
- PlayMagicEffectVisuals
- PlayMagicShaderVisuals
- RemoveScriptPackage
- RemoveSpell
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- Say
- SayTo
- SendTrespassAlarm
- SetActorAlpha
- SetActorFullName
- SetActorRefraction
- SetActorValue
- SetAlert
- SetBarterGold
- SetClass
- SetCombatStyle
- SetEssential
- SetFactionRank
- SetForceSneak
- SetGhost
- SetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- SetInvestmentGold
- SetLevel
- SetNoRumors
- SetPackDuration
- SetRestrained
- SetSize
- SetUnconscious
- SkipAnim
- StartCombat
- StartConversation
- StopCombat
- StopCombatAlarmOnActor
- StopLook
- StopWaiting
- ToggleActorsAI
- UnequipItem
- VampireFeed
- Wait
- Yield
- Actor Functions (CS 1.2) (1)
- Actor Functions (OBSE) (20)
- CloneForm
- GetCreatureBaseScale
- GetCreatureCombatSkill
- GetCreatureMagicSkill
- GetCreatureReach
- GetCreatureSoulLevel
- GetCreatureStealthSkill
- GetCreatureType
- GetNthRaceBonusSkill
- GetNthRaceSpell
- GetRace
- GetRaceAttribute
- GetRaceAttributeC
- GetRaceSkillBonus
- GetRaceSkillBonusC
- GetRaceSpellCount
- IsClonedForm
- IsCreature
- IsRaceBonusSkill
- IsRaceBonusSkillC
- Actor State Functions (86)
- GetClothingValue
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDetected
- GetFallTimer
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsClass
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsRace
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetKnockedState
- GetNoRumors
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetTalkedToPC
- GetTalkedToPCParam
- GetTimeDead
- GetVampire
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- IsActor
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorEvil
- IsActorUsingATorch
- IsAnimGroupPlaying
- IsAttacking
- IsBlocking
- IsCasting
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsDodging
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsFlying
- IsGuard
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInAir
- IsInCombat
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInInterior
- IsJumping
- IsLeftUp
- IsMovingBackward
- IsMovingForward
- IsMovingLeft
- IsMovingRight
- IsOnGround
- IsPowerAttacking
- IsRecoiling
- IsRidingHorse
- IsRunning
- IsShieldOut
- IsSneaking
- IsStaggered
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTorchOut
- IsTurningLeft
- IsTurningRight
- IsUnderWater
- IsWaiting
- IsWeaponOut
- IsYielding
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- SetClass
- SetForceRun
- SetForceSneak
- SetGhost
- SetLevel
- Actor State Functions (CS 1.0) (65)
- GetClothingValue
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDetected
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsClass
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsRace
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetKnockedState
- GetNoRumors
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetTalkedToPC
- GetTalkedToPCParam
- GetTimeDead
- GetVampire
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- IsActor
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorEvil
- IsActorUsingATorch
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsGuard
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInCombat
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInInterior
- IsLeftUp
- IsRidingHorse
- IsShieldOut
- IsSneaking
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTorchOut
- IsWaiting
- IsWeaponOut
- IsYielding
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- SetClass
- SetForceRun
- SetForceSneak
- SetGhost
- SetLevel
- Actor State Functions (OBSE) (20)
- Actor Value Functions (56)
- CanCorpseCheck
- CopyEyes
- CopyHair
- FactionHasSpecialCombat
- ForceActorValue
- GetActorLightAmount
- GetActorMaxLevel
- GetActorMinLevel
- GetActorSoulLevel
- GetActorValue
- GetActorValueC
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetCellMusicType
- GetClass
- GetClassAttribute
- GetClassSkill
- GetClassSpecialization
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNthFaction
- GetNumFactions
- GetNumRanks
- GetTravelHorse
- HasLowLevelProcessing
- HasNoPersuasion
- HasSpell
- IsActorRespawning
- IsClassAttribute
- IsClassSkill
- IsFactionEvil
- IsFactionHidden
- IsPCLevelOffset
- IsRefEssential
- IsSummonable
- ModActorValue
- ModActorValue2
- ModActorValueC
- ModDisposition
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SetActorRespawns
- SetActorValue
- SetActorValueC
- SetCanCorpseCheck
- SetEyes
- SetFactionEvil
- SetFactionSpecialCombat
- SetFactionHidden
- SetFemale
- SetHair
- SetLowLevelProcessing
- SetMerchantContainer
- SetNoPersuasion
- SetPCLevelOffset
- SetRefEssential
- SetSummonable
- SetTravelHorse
- Actor Value Functions (CS 1.0) (7)
- Actor Value Functions (OBSE) (48)
- CanCorpseCheck
- CopyEyes
- CopyHair
- FactionHasSpecialCombat
- GetActorLightAmount
- GetActorMaxLevel
- GetActorMinLevel
- GetActorSoulLevel
- GetActorValueC
- GetCellMusicType
- GetClass
- GetClassAttribute
- GetClassSkill
- GetClassSpecialization
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNthFaction
- GetNumFactions
- GetNumRanks
- GetTravelHorse
- HasLowLevelProcessing
- HasNoPersuasion
- HasSpell
- IsActorRespawning
- IsClassAttribute
- IsClassSkill
- IsFactionEvil
- IsFactionHidden
- IsPCLevelOffset
- IsRefEssential
- IsSummonable
- ModActorValue2
- ModActorValueC
- SetActorRespawns
- SetActorValueC
- SetCanCorpseCheck
- SetEyes
- SetFactionEvil
- SetFactionSpecialCombat
- SetFactionHidden
- SetFemale
- SetHair
- SetLowLevelProcessing
- SetMerchantContainer
- SetNoPersuasion
- SetPCLevelOffset
- SetRefEssential
- SetSummonable
- SetTravelHorse
- Actor Values (71)
- Acrobatics
- Aggression
- Agility
- Alchemy
- Alteration
- Armorer
- Athletics
- AttackBonus
- Blade
- Blindness
- Block
- Blunt
- Bounty
- CastingPenalty
- Chameleon
- Confidence
- Confusion
- Conjuration
- Darkness
- DefendBonus
- Destruction
- DetectItemRange
- DetectLifeRange
- Encumbrance
- Endurance
- Energy
- Fatigue
- Hand to Hand
- Health
- Heavy Armor
- Illusion
- Intelligence
- Invisibility
- Light Armor
- Luck
- Magicka
- MagickaMultiplier
- Marksman
- Mercantile
- Mysticism
- NightEyeBonus
- Paralysis
- Personality
- ReflectDamage
- ResistDisease
- ResistFire
- ResistFrost
- ResistMagic
- ResistNormalWeapons
- ResistParalysis
- ResistPoison
- ResistShock
- ResistWaterDamage
- Responsibility
- Restoration
- Security
- Silence
- Sneak
- Speechcraft
- Speed
- SpellAbsorbChance
- SpellReflectChance
- Stats Overview
- Strength
- StuntedMagicka
- SwimSpeedMultiplier
- Telekinesis
- Vampirism
- WaterBreathing
- WaterWalking
- Willpower
- Animation Functions (26)
- AnimGroups
- GetFallTimer
- IsAnimGroupPlaying
- IsAnimPlaying
- IsAttacking
- IsBlocking
- IsCasting
- IsDodging
- IsFlying
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInAir
- IsJumping
- IsMovingBackward
- IsMovingForward
- IsMovingLeft
- IsMovingRight
- IsOnGround
- IsPowerAttacking
- IsRecoiling
- IsStaggered
- IsTurningLeft
- IsTurningRight
- LoopGroup
- PickIdle
- PlayGroup
- SkipAnim
- Combat Functions (12)
- Condition Functions (169)
- CanHaveFlames
- CanPayCrimeGold
- GetActorValue
- GetAlarmed
- GetAmountSoldStolen
- GetAngle
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetAttacked
- GetBarterGold
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetClassDefaultMatch
- GetClothingValue
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeGold
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetCurrentWeatherPercent
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDestroyed
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDisabled
- GetDisposition
- GetDistance
- GetDoorDefaultOpen
- GetEquipped
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetFurnitureMarkerID
- GetGlobalValue
- GetGold
- GetHeadingAngle
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInFaction
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetInvestmentGold
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsClass
- GetIsClassDefault
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsCurrentWeather
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsPlayerBirthsign
- GetIsRace
- GetIsReference
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetItemCount
- GetKnockedState
- GetLOS
- GetLevel
- GetLockLevel
- GetLocked
- GetNoRumors
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetOpenState
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- GetPCFame
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCInfamy
- GetPCIsClass
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPersuasionNumber
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
- GetPos
- GetQuestRunning
- GetQuestVariable
- GetRandomPercent
- GetRestrained
- GetScale
- GetScriptVariable
- GetShouldAttack
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetStage
- GetStageDone
- GetStartingAngle
- GetStartingPos
- GetTalkedToPC
- GetTalkedToPCParam
- GetTimeDead
- GetTotalPersuasionNumber
- GetTrespassWarningLevel
- GetUnconscious
- GetUsedItemActivate
- GetUsedItemLevel
- GetVampire
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- GetWindSpeed
- HasFlames
- HasMagicEffect
- IsActor
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorDetected
- IsActorEvil
- IsActorUsingATorch
- IsCellOwner
- IsCloudy
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsGuard
- IsHorseStolen
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInCombat
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInInterior
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsLeftUp
- IsOwner
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPCSleeping
- IsPlayerInJail
- IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
- IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- IsPleasant
- IsRaining
- IsRidingHorse
- IsRunning
- IsShieldOut
- IsSneaking
- IsSnowing
- IsSpellTarget
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTimePassing
- IsTorchOut
- IsTrespassing
- IsTurnArrest
- IsWaiting
- IsWeaponOut
- IsYielding
- MenuMode (Function)
- ModAmountSoldStolen
- ReleaseWeatherOverride
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- WhichServiceMenu
- Condition Functions (CS 1.0) (117)
- CanHaveFlames
- CanPayCrimeGold
- GetActorValue
- GetAlarmed
- GetAmountSoldStolen
- GetAngle
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetAttacked
- GetBarterGold
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetClassDefaultMatch
- GetClothingValue
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeGold
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetCurrentWeatherPercent
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDestroyed
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDisabled
- GetDisposition
- GetDistance
- GetDoorDefaultOpen
- GetEquipped
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetFurnitureMarkerID
- GetGlobalValue
- GetGold
- GetHeadingAngle
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInFaction
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetInvestmentGold
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsClass
- GetIsClassDefault
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsCurrentWeather
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsPlayerBirthsign
- GetIsRace
- GetIsReference
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetItemCount
- GetKnockedState
- GetLOS
- GetLevel
- GetLockLevel
- GetLocked
- GetNoRumors
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetOpenState
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- GetPCFame
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCInfamy
- GetPCIsClass
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPersuasionNumber
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
- GetPos
- GetQuestRunning
- GetQuestVariable
- GetRandomPercent
- GetRestrained
- GetScale
- GetScriptVariable
- GetShouldAttack
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetStage
- GetStageDone
- GetStartingAngle
- GetStartingPos
- GetTalkedToPC
- GetTalkedToPCParam
- GetTimeDead
- GetTotalPersuasionNumber
- GetTrespassWarningLevel
- GetUnconscious
- GetUsedItemActivate
- GetUsedItemLevel
- GetVampire
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- GetWindSpeed
- HasFlames
- HasMagicEffect
- WhichServiceMenu
- Conditions (4)
- Editing Dialogue (10)
- Combat Tab
- Conversation Tab
- Detection Tab
- Dialogue Tutorial
- Extending Dialogue Length
- Misc Tab
- Persuasion Tab
- Service Tab
- Topics Tab
- Unclean Dialogue
- Conditions (4)
- Editing Dialogue (10)
- Combat Tab
- Conversation Tab
- Detection Tab
- Dialogue Tutorial
- Extending Dialogue Length
- Misc Tab
- Persuasion Tab
- Service Tab
- Topics Tab
- Unclean Dialogue
- Conditions (4)
- Editing Dialogue (10)
- Combat Tab
- Conversation Tab
- Detection Tab
- Dialogue Tutorial
- Extending Dialogue Length
- Misc Tab
- Persuasion Tab
- Service Tab
- Topics Tab
- Unclean Dialogue
- Conditions (4)
- Editing Dialogue (10)
- Packages (15)
- Packages (15)
- Editing Dialogue (10)
- Packages (15)
- Editing Dialogue (10)
- Packages (15)
- Editing Dialogue (10)
- Console Functions (3)
- Console Functions (OBSE) (34)
- Con CAL
- Con GetINISetting
- Con HairTint
- Con LoadGame
- Con ModWaterShader
- Con PlayerSpellBook
- Con QuitGame
- Con RefreshINI
- Con RunMemoryPass
- Con Save
- Con SaveINI
- Con SetCameraFOV
- Con SetClipDist
- Con SetFog
- Con SetGameSetting
- Con SetGamma
- Con SetHDRParam
- Con SetINISetting
- Con SetImageSpaceGlow
- Con SetSkyParam
- Con SetTargetRefraction
- Con SetTargetRefractionFire
- Con SexChange
- Con TCL
- Con TFC
- Con TGM
- Con ToggleAI
- Con ToggleCombatAI
- Con ToggleDetection
- Con ToggleMapMarkers
- Con ToggleMenus
- Con WaterDeepColor
- Con WaterReflectionColor
- Con WaterShallowColor
- Console Functions (OBSE) (34)
- Creature Functions (13)
- Crime Functions (27)
- CanPayCrimeGold
- Crime Types
- GetAlarmed
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeGold
- GetCrimeKnown
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetOpenKey
- GetTrespassWarningLevel
- GoToJail
- IsActorDetected
- IsCellOwner
- IsGuard
- IsHorseStolen
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPlayerInJail
- IsTrespassing
- Kill
- ModCrimeGold
- PayFine
- PayFineThief
- SendTrespassAlarm
- SetCellOwnership
- SetCellPublicFlag
- SetCrimeGold
- SetOpenKey
- Crime Functions (CS 1.0) (24)
- CanPayCrimeGold
- GetAlarmed
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeGold
- GetCrimeKnown
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetTrespassWarningLevel
- GoToJail
- IsActorDetected
- IsCellOwner
- IsGuard
- IsHorseStolen
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPlayerInJail
- IsTrespassing
- Kill
- ModCrimeGold
- PayFine
- PayFineThief
- SendTrespassAlarm
- SetCellOwnership
- SetCellPublicFlag
- SetCrimeGold
- Debug Functions (3)
- Deprecated Functions (13)
- Dialogue Functions (8)
- Faction Functions (20)
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetInFaction
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- ModFactionRank
- ModFactionReaction
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SetFactionRank
- SetFactionReaction
- SetPCExpelled
- SetPCFactionAttack
- SetPCFactionMurder
- SetPCFactionSteal
- SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- Faction Functions (CS 1.0) (20)
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetInFaction
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- ModFactionRank
- ModFactionReaction
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SetFactionRank
- SetFactionReaction
- SetPCExpelled
- SetPCFactionAttack
- SetPCFactionMurder
- SetPCFactionSteal
- SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- Function Types (CS 1.0) (0)
- AI Functions (CS 1.0) (24)
- AddScriptPackage
- EvaluatePackage
- ForceFlee
- ForceTakeCover
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetRestrained
- GetUnconscious
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- Look
- RemoveScriptPackage
- SetAlert
- SetAllReachable
- SetAllVisible
- SetNoAvoidance
- SetPackDuration
- SetRestrained
- SetSceneIsComplex
- SetUnconscious
- StopLook
- StopWaiting
- VampireFeed
- Wait
- Actor Functions (CS 1.0) (146)
- AddItem
- AddScriptPackage
- AddSpell
- Cast
- CreateFullActorCopy
- DeleteFullActorCopy
- Dispel
- DispelAllSpells
- Drop
- DuplicateAllItems
- DuplicateNPCStats
- EquipItem
- EvaluatePackage
- ForceActorValue
- ForceFlee
- ForceTakeCover
- GetActorValue
- GetAlarmed
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetAttacked
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetCombatTarget
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeKnown
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetDead
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDisposition
- GetEquipped
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetGold
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetInCell
- GetInFaction
- GetInWorldspace
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetItemCount
- GetLOS
- GetLevel
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetVampire
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- HasMagicEffect
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorDetected
- IsActorEvil
- IsActorUsingATorch
- IsActorsAIOff
- IsContinuingPackagePCNear
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsGuard
- IsHorseStolen
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInCombat
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInInterior
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsLeftUp
- IsRidingHorse
- IsRunning
- IsShieldOut
- IsSneaking
- IsSpellTarget
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTorchOut
- IsTrespassing
- IsWaiting
- IsWeaponOut
- IsYielding
- Kill
- KillAllActors
- Look
- ModActorValue
- ModBarterGold
- ModCrimeGold
- ModDisposition
- ModFactionRank
- PickIdle
- PlayGroup
- PlayMagicEffectVisuals
- PlayMagicShaderVisuals
- RemoveScriptPackage
- RemoveSpell
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- Say
- SayTo
- SendTrespassAlarm
- SetActorAlpha
- SetActorFullName
- SetActorRefraction
- SetActorValue
- SetAlert
- SetBarterGold
- SetClass
- SetCombatStyle
- SetEssential
- SetFactionRank
- SetForceSneak
- SetGhost
- SetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- SetInvestmentGold
- SetLevel
- SetNoRumors
- SetPackDuration
- SetRestrained
- SetSize
- SetUnconscious
- SkipAnim
- StartCombat
- StartConversation
- StopCombat
- StopCombatAlarmOnActor
- StopLook
- StopWaiting
- ToggleActorsAI
- UnequipItem
- VampireFeed
- Wait
- Yield
- Actor State Functions (CS 1.0) (65)
- GetClothingValue
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDetected
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsClass
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsRace
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetKnockedState
- GetNoRumors
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetTalkedToPC
- GetTalkedToPCParam
- GetTimeDead
- GetVampire
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- IsActor
- IsActorAVictim
- IsActorEvil
- IsActorUsingATorch
- IsCurrentFurnitureObj
- IsCurrentFurnitureRef
- IsEssential
- IsFacingUp
- IsGuard
- IsIdlePlaying
- IsInCombat
- IsInDangerousWater
- IsInInterior
- IsLeftUp
- IsRidingHorse
- IsShieldOut
- IsSneaking
- IsSwimming
- IsTalking
- IsTorchOut
- IsWaiting
- IsWeaponOut
- IsYielding
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SameRace
- SameRaceAsPC
- SameSex
- SameSexAsPC
- SetClass
- SetForceRun
- SetForceSneak
- SetGhost
- SetLevel
- Actor Value Functions (CS 1.0) (7)
- Animation Functions (CS 1.0) (4)
- Combat Functions (CS 1.0) (12)
- Condition Functions (CS 1.0) (117)
- CanHaveFlames
- CanPayCrimeGold
- GetActorValue
- GetAlarmed
- GetAmountSoldStolen
- GetAngle
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetAttacked
- GetBarterGold
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetClassDefaultMatch
- GetClothingValue
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeGold
- GetCurrentAIPackage
- GetCurrentAIProcedure
- GetCurrentWeatherPercent
- GetDead
- GetDeadCount
- GetDestroyed
- GetDetected
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetDisabled
- GetDisposition
- GetDistance
- GetDoorDefaultOpen
- GetEquipped
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetForceRun
- GetForceSneak
- GetFriendHit
- GetFurnitureMarkerID
- GetGlobalValue
- GetGold
- GetHeadingAngle
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetIgnoreFriendlyHits
- GetInCell
- GetInCellParam
- GetInFaction
- GetInSameCell
- GetInWorldspace
- GetInvestmentGold
- GetIsAlerted
- GetIsClass
- GetIsClassDefault
- GetIsCreature
- GetIsCurrentPackage
- GetIsCurrentWeather
- GetIsGhost
- GetIsID
- GetIsPlayableRace
- GetIsPlayerBirthsign
- GetIsRace
- GetIsReference
- GetIsSex
- GetIsUsedItem
- GetIsUsedItemType
- GetItemCount
- GetKnockedState
- GetLOS
- GetLevel
- GetLockLevel
- GetLocked
- GetNoRumors
- GetOffersServicesNow
- GetOpenState
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- GetPCFame
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCInfamy
- GetPCIsClass
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPersuasionNumber
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
- GetPos
- GetQuestRunning
- GetQuestVariable
- GetRandomPercent
- GetRestrained
- GetScale
- GetScriptVariable
- GetShouldAttack
- GetSitting
- GetSleeping
- GetStage
- GetStageDone
- GetStartingAngle
- GetStartingPos
- GetTalkedToPC
- GetTalkedToPCParam
- GetTimeDead
- GetTotalPersuasionNumber
- GetTrespassWarningLevel
- GetUnconscious
- GetUsedItemActivate
- GetUsedItemLevel
- GetVampire
- GetWalkSpeed
- GetWeaponAnimType
- GetWeaponSkillType
- GetWindSpeed
- HasFlames
- HasMagicEffect
- WhichServiceMenu
- Crime Functions (CS 1.0) (24)
- CanPayCrimeGold
- GetAlarmed
- GetCrime
- GetCrimeGold
- GetCrimeKnown
- GetDetectionLevel
- GetTrespassWarningLevel
- GoToJail
- IsActorDetected
- IsCellOwner
- IsGuard
- IsHorseStolen
- IsInMyOwnedCell
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPlayerInJail
- IsTrespassing
- Kill
- ModCrimeGold
- PayFine
- PayFineThief
- SendTrespassAlarm
- SetCellOwnership
- SetCellPublicFlag
- SetCrimeGold
- Deprecated Functions (CS 1.0) (2)
- Dialogue Functions (CS 1.0) (6)
- Faction Functions (CS 1.0) (20)
- GetFactionRank
- GetFactionRankDifference
- GetFactionReaction
- GetInFaction
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- ModFactionRank
- ModFactionReaction
- SameFaction
- SameFactionAsPC
- SetFactionRank
- SetFactionReaction
- SetPCExpelled
- SetPCFactionAttack
- SetPCFactionMurder
- SetPCFactionSteal
- SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- Inventory Functions (CS 1.0) (24)
- Magic Functions (CS 1.0) (18)
- Math Functions (CS 1.0) (1)
- Miscellaneous Functions (CS 1.0) (46)
- Autosave
- CloseCurrentOblivionGate
- CloseOblivionGate
- Disable
- DisableLinkedPathPoints
- Enable
- EnableFastTravel
- EnableLinkedPathPoints
- EssentialDeathReload
- GetActionRef
- GetButtonPressed
- GetDestroyed
- GetDoorDefaultOpen
- GetGameSetting
- GetGlobalValue
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetLockLevel
- GetLocked
- GetOpenState
- GetPersuasionNumber
- GetRandomPercent
- GetScriptVariable
- GetTotalPersuasionNumber
- IsActionRef
- IsXBox
- Lock
- MenuMode (Function)
- Message
- MessageBox
- PlaceAtMe
- PlayBink
- PlaySound
- PlaySound3D
- Reset3DState
- ResetFallDamageTimer
- ResetInterior
- SetActorFullName
- SetCellFullName
- SetDestroyed
- SetDoorDefaultOpen
- SetOpenState
- SetSize
- ShowMap
- StreamMusic
- TrapUpdate
- Unlock
- Movement Functions (CS 1.0) (13)
- Player Functions (CS 1.0) (53)
- AdvancePCLevel
- AdvancePCSkill
- DisablePlayerControls
- EnablePlayerControls
- GetAmountSoldStolen
- GetClassDefaultMatch
- GetIsClassDefault
- GetIsPlayerBirthsign
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- GetPCFame
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCInfamy
- GetPCIsClass
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
- HasVampireFed
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPCSleeping
- IsPlayerInJail
- IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
- IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- IsTimePassing
- IsTurnArrest
- ModAmountSoldStolen
- ModPCAttribute
- ModPCFame
- ModPCInfamy
- ModPCMiscStat
- ModPCSkill
- SetInCharGen
- SetPCExpelled
- SetPCFactionAttack
- SetPCFactionMurder
- SetPCFactionSteal
- SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- SetPCFame
- SetPCInfamy
- SetPCSleepHours
- ShowBirthsignMenu
- ShowClassMenu
- ShowEnchantment
- ShowRaceMenu
- ShowSpellMaking
- TriggerHitShader
- WakeUpPC
- Quest Functions (CS 1.0) (8)
- Record Variable Functions (CS 1.0) (7)
- Statistics Functions (CS 1.0) (25)
- ForceActorValue
- GetActorValue
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetBarterGold
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetDisposition
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetGold
- GetInvestmentGold
- GetLevel
- GetScale
- GetWalkSpeed
- ModActorValue
- ModBarterGold
- ModDisposition
- ModScale
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SetActorValue
- SetBarterGold
- SetEssential
- SetInvestmentGold
- SetItemValue
- SetScale
- Time Functions (CS 1.0) (4)
- Weather Functions (CS 1.0) (10)
- AI Functions (CS 1.0) (24)
- Input Functions (34)
- AHammerKey
- ClearHotkey
- DisableControl
- DisableKey
- DisableMouse
- EnableControl
- EnableKey
- EnableMouse
- GetAltControl
- GetControl
- GetHotkeyItem
- GetKeyPress
- GetMouseButtonPress
- GetNumKeysPressed
- GetNumMouseButtonsPressed
- HammerKey
- HoldKey
- IsControlPressed
- IsKeyPressed2
- IsKeyPressed3
- MenuHoldKey
- MenuReleaseKey
- MenuTapKey
- MoveMouseX
- MoveMouseY
- OnControlDown
- OnKeyDown
- ReleaseKey
- SetHotkeyItem
- SetMouseSpeedX
- SetMouseSpeedY
- TapControl
- TapKey
- UnHammerKey
- Input Functions (OBSE) (34)
- AHammerKey
- ClearHotkey
- DisableControl
- DisableKey
- DisableMouse
- EnableControl
- EnableKey
- EnableMouse
- GetAltControl
- GetControl
- GetHotkeyItem
- GetKeyPress
- GetMouseButtonPress
- GetNumKeysPressed
- GetNumMouseButtonsPressed
- HammerKey
- HoldKey
- IsControlPressed
- IsKeyPressed2
- IsKeyPressed3
- MenuHoldKey
- MenuReleaseKey
- MenuTapKey
- MoveMouseX
- MoveMouseY
- OnControlDown
- OnKeyDown
- ReleaseKey
- SetHotkeyItem
- SetMouseSpeedX
- SetMouseSpeedY
- TapControl
- TapKey
- UnHammerKey
- Inventory Functions (140)
- Activate
- AddFlames
- AddItem
- AddItemNS
- AddToLeveledList
- AppendToName
- CalcLeveledItem
- CanHaveFlames
- ClearOwnership
- CloneForm
- CompareName
- CompareNames
- CopyName
- Drop
- DropMe
- DuplicateAllItems
- EquipItem
- EquipItemNS
- GetApparatusType
- GetArmorAR
- GetArmorType
- GetAttackDamage
- GetBookCantBeTaken
- GetBookIsScroll
- GetBookSkillTaught
- GetCurrentCharge
- GetCurrentHealth
- GetCurrentSoulLevel
- GetDisabled
- GetEquipmentSlot
- GetEquipmentSlotMask
- GetEquipped
- GetEquippedCurrentCharge
- GetEquippedCurrentHealth
- GetEquippedObject
- GetEquippedWeaponPoison
- GetFurnitureMarkerID
- GetGoldValue
- GetIgnoresResistance
- GetInventoryObject
- GetIsReference
- GetItemCount
- GetLightRadius
- GetNumItems
- GetObjectCharge
- GetObjectHealth
- GetObjectType
- GetQuality
- GetScript
- GetSoulGemCapacity
- GetSoulLevel
- GetWeaponReach
- GetWeaponSpeed
- GetWeaponType
- GetWeight
- HasFlames
- HasName
- IsAlchemyItem
- IsAmmo
- IsApparatus
- IsArmor
- IsBook
- IsClonedForm
- IsClothing
- IsContainer
- IsFood
- IsIngredient
- IsKey
- IsLight
- IsLightCarriable
- IsOwner
- IsPlayable
- IsPoison
- IsQuestItem
- IsScripted
- IsSigilStone
- IsSoulGem
- IsWeapon
- ModArmorAR
- ModAttackDamage
- ModEnchantmentCharge
- ModEnchantmentCost
- ModEquippedCurrentCharge
- ModEquippedCurrentHealth
- ModGoldValue
- ModName
- ModObjectCharge
- ModObjectHealth
- ModQuality
- ModWeaponReach
- ModWeaponSpeed
- ModWeight
- NameIncludes
- RemoveAllItems
- RemoveEquippedWeaponPoison
- RemoveFlames
- RemoveFromLeveledList
- RemoveItem
- RemoveItemNS
- RemoveMe
- RemoveScript
- SetApparatusType
- SetArmorAR
- SetArmorType
- SetAttackDamage
- SetBookCantBeTaken
- SetBookIsScroll
- SetBookSkillTaught
- SetCurrentSoulLevel
- SetEnchantmentCharge
- SetEnchantmentCost
- SetEnchantmentType
- SetEquipmentSlot
- SetEquippedCurrentCharge
- SetEquippedCurrentHealth
- SetEquippedWeaponPoison
- SetGoldValue
- SetIgnoresResistance
- SetIsFood
- SetIsPlayable
- SetLightRadius
- SetName
- SetNameEx
- SetObjectCharge
- SetObjectHealth
- SetOwnership
- SetQuality
- SetQuestItem
- SetQuestObject
- SetRigidBodyMass
- SetScript
- SetShowQuestItems
- SetSoulGemCapacity
- SetSoulLevel
- SetWeaponReach
- SetWeaponSpeed
- SetWeaponType
- SetWeight
- UnequipItem
- UnequipItemNS
- Inventory Functions (CS 1.0) (24)
- Inventory Functions (CS 1.2) (1)
- Inventory Functions (OBSE) (115)
- AddItemNS
- AddToLeveledList
- AppendToName
- CalcLeveledItem
- CloneForm
- CompareName
- CompareNames
- CopyName
- EquipItemNS
- GetApparatusType
- GetArmorAR
- GetArmorType
- GetAttackDamage
- GetBookCantBeTaken
- GetBookIsScroll
- GetBookSkillTaught
- GetCurrentCharge
- GetCurrentHealth
- GetCurrentSoulLevel
- GetEquipmentSlot
- GetEquipmentSlotMask
- GetEquippedCurrentCharge
- GetEquippedCurrentHealth
- GetEquippedObject
- GetEquippedWeaponPoison
- GetGoldValue
- GetIgnoresResistance
- GetInventoryObject
- GetLightRadius
- GetNumItems
- GetObjectCharge
- GetObjectHealth
- GetObjectType
- GetQuality
- GetScript
- GetSoulGemCapacity
- GetSoulLevel
- GetWeaponReach
- GetWeaponSpeed
- GetWeaponType
- GetWeight
- HasName
- IsAlchemyItem
- IsAmmo
- IsApparatus
- IsArmor
- IsBook
- IsClonedForm
- IsClothing
- IsContainer
- IsFood
- IsIngredient
- IsKey
- IsLight
- IsLightCarriable
- IsPlayable
- IsPoison
- IsQuestItem
- IsScripted
- IsSigilStone
- IsSoulGem
- IsWeapon
- ModArmorAR
- ModAttackDamage
- ModEnchantmentCharge
- ModEnchantmentCost
- ModEquippedCurrentCharge
- ModEquippedCurrentHealth
- ModGoldValue
- ModName
- ModObjectCharge
- ModObjectHealth
- ModQuality
- ModWeaponReach
- ModWeaponSpeed
- ModWeight
- NameIncludes
- RemoveEquippedWeaponPoison
- RemoveFromLeveledList
- RemoveItemNS
- RemoveScript
- SetApparatusType
- SetArmorAR
- SetArmorType
- SetAttackDamage
- SetBookCantBeTaken
- SetBookIsScroll
- SetBookSkillTaught
- SetCurrentSoulLevel
- SetEnchantmentCharge
- SetEnchantmentCost
- SetEnchantmentType
- SetEquipmentSlot
- SetEquippedCurrentCharge
- SetEquippedCurrentHealth
- SetEquippedWeaponPoison
- SetGoldValue
- SetIgnoresResistance
- SetIsFood
- SetIsPlayable
- SetLightRadius
- SetName
- SetNameEx
- SetObjectCharge
- SetObjectHealth
- SetQuality
- SetQuestItem
- SetScript
- SetSoulGemCapacity
- SetSoulLevel
- SetWeaponReach
- SetWeaponSpeed
- SetWeaponType
- SetWeight
- UnequipItemNS
- Leveled List Functions (3)
- Magic Functions (193)
- AddEffectItem
- AddEffectItemC
- AddFullEffectItem
- AddFullEffectItemC
- AddSpell
- AddSpellNS
- Cast
- CopyAllEffectItems
- CopyNthEffectItem
- Dispel
- DispelAllSpells
- GetActiveEffectCount
- GetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectileEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectilePoison
- GetCurrentCharge
- GetCurrentSoulLevel
- GetEnchantment
- GetEnchantmentCharge
- GetEnchantmentCost
- GetEnchantmentType
- GetEquippedCurrentCharge
- GetMagicEffectBarterFactor
- GetMagicEffectBaseCost
- GetMagicEffectCode
- GetMagicEffectEnchantFactor
- GetMagicEffectOtherActorValue
- GetMagicEffectOtherActorValueC
- GetMagicEffectProjectileSpeed
- GetMagicEffectSchool
- GetMagicEffectUsedObject
- GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
- GetMagicItemEffectCount
- GetMagicItemType
- GetMagicProjectileSpell
- GetNthActiveEffectCaster
- GetNthActiveEffectCode
- GetNthActiveEffectData
- GetNthActiveEffectDuration
- GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem
- GetNthActiveEffectMagicItemIndex
- GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- GetNthActiveEffectTimeElapsed
- GetNthEffectItemActorValue
- GetNthEffectItemArea
- GetNthEffectItemCode
- GetNthEffectItemDuration
- GetNthEffectItemMagnitude
- GetNthEffectItemRange
- GetNthEffectItemScript
- GetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
- GetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect
- GetNthPlayerSpell
- GetNthSpell
- GetObjectCharge
- GetPlayerSpell
- GetPlayerSpellCount
- GetScriptActiveEffectIndex
- GetSoulGemCapacity
- GetSoulLevel
- GetSpellCount
- GetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
- GetSpellMagickaCost
- GetSpellMasteryLevel
- GetSpellSchool
- GetSpellType
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitude
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitude
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitude
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitudeC
- GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude
- GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitudeC
- HasMagicEffect
- HasSpell
- IsMagicEffectCanRecover
- IsMagicEffectCanRecoverC
- IsMagicEffectDetrimental
- IsMagicEffectDetrimentalC
- IsMagicEffectForEnchanting
- IsMagicEffectForEnchantingC
- IsMagicEffectForSpellmaking
- IsMagicEffectForSpellmakingC
- IsMagicEffectHostile
- IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercent
- IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercentC
- IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowedC
- IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowedC
- IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowedC
- IsMagicItemAutoCalc
- IsNthEffectItemScriptHostile
- IsNthEffectItemScripted
- IsSpellHostile
- IsSpellTarget
- MagicEffectFXPersists
- MagicEffectFXPersistsC
- MagicEffectHasNoArea
- MagicEffectHasNoAreaC
- MagicEffectHasNoDuration
- MagicEffectHasNoDurationC
- MagicEffectHasNoHitEffect
- MagicEffectHasNoHitEffectC
- MagicEffectHasNoIngredient
- MagicEffectHasNoIngredientC
- MagicEffectHasNoMagnitude
- MagicEffectHasNoMagnitudeC
- MagicEffectUsesArmor
- MagicEffectUsesArmorC
- MagicEffectUsesAttribute
- MagicEffectUsesAttributeC
- MagicEffectUsesCreature
- MagicEffectUsesCreatureC
- MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValue
- MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValueC
- MagicEffectUsesSkill
- MagicEffectUsesSkillC
- MagicEffectUsesWeapon
- MagicEffectUsesWeaponC
- MagicItemHasEffect
- MagicItemHasEffectCode
- MagicItemHasEffectCount
- MagicItemHasEffectCountCode
- MagicItemHasEffectItemScript
- ModEnchantmentCharge
- ModEnchantmentCost
- ModEquippedCurrentCharge
- ModNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- ModNthEffectItemArea
- ModNthEffectItemDuration
- ModNthEffectItemMagnitude
- ModNthEffectItemScriptName
- ModObjectCharge
- ModSpellMagickaCost
- PlayMagicEffectVisuals
- PlayMagicShaderVisuals
- PreloadMagicEffect
- RemoveAllEffectItems
- RemoveEnchantment
- RemoveNthEffectItem
- RemoveSpell
- RemoveSpellNS
- ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds
- SelectPlayerSpell
- SetActorAlpha
- SetActorRefraction
- SetEnchantment
- SetEnchantmentCharge
- SetEnchantmentCost
- SetEnchantmentType
- SetEquippedCurrentCharge
- SetMagicItemAutoCalc
- SetMagicProjectileSpell
- SetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- SetNthEffectItemActorValue
- SetNthEffectItemActorValueC
- SetNthEffectItemArea
- SetNthEffectItemDuration
- SetNthEffectItemMagnitude
- SetNthEffectItemRange
- SetNthEffectItemScript
- SetNthEffectItemScriptHostile
- SetNthEffectItemScriptName
- SetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
- SetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect
- SetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffectC
- SetObjectCharge
- SetSoulGemCapacity
- SetSoulLevel
- SetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
- SetSpellHostile
- SetSpellMagickaCost
- SetSpellMasteryLevel
- SetSpellType
- ShowEnchantment
- ShowSpellMaking
- StopMagicEffectVisuals
- StopMagicShaderVisuals
- Magic Functions (CS 1.0) (18)
- Magic Functions (OBSE) (175)
- AddEffectItem
- AddEffectItemC
- AddFullEffectItem
- AddFullEffectItemC
- AddSpellNS
- CopyAllEffectItems
- CopyNthEffectItem
- GetActiveEffectCount
- GetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectileEnchantment
- GetArrowProjectilePoison
- GetCurrentCharge
- GetCurrentSoulLevel
- GetEnchantment
- GetEnchantmentCharge
- GetEnchantmentCost
- GetEnchantmentType
- GetEquippedCurrentCharge
- GetMagicEffectBarterFactor
- GetMagicEffectBaseCost
- GetMagicEffectCode
- GetMagicEffectEnchantFactor
- GetMagicEffectOtherActorValue
- GetMagicEffectOtherActorValueC
- GetMagicEffectProjectileSpeed
- GetMagicEffectSchool
- GetMagicEffectUsedObject
- GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
- GetMagicItemEffectCount
- GetMagicItemType
- GetMagicProjectileSpell
- GetNthActiveEffectCaster
- GetNthActiveEffectCode
- GetNthActiveEffectData
- GetNthActiveEffectDuration
- GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem
- GetNthActiveEffectMagicItemIndex
- GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- GetNthActiveEffectTimeElapsed
- GetNthEffectItemActorValue
- GetNthEffectItemArea
- GetNthEffectItemCode
- GetNthEffectItemDuration
- GetNthEffectItemMagnitude
- GetNthEffectItemRange
- GetNthEffectItemScript
- GetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
- GetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect
- GetNthPlayerSpell
- GetNthSpell
- GetObjectCharge
- GetPlayerSpell
- GetPlayerSpellCount
- GetScriptActiveEffectIndex
- GetSoulGemCapacity
- GetSoulLevel
- GetSpellCount
- GetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
- GetSpellMagickaCost
- GetSpellMasteryLevel
- GetSpellSchool
- GetSpellType
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitude
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitude
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitude
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitudeC
- GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude
- GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitudeC
- HasSpell
- IsMagicEffectCanRecover
- IsMagicEffectCanRecoverC
- IsMagicEffectDetrimental
- IsMagicEffectDetrimentalC
- IsMagicEffectForEnchanting
- IsMagicEffectForEnchantingC
- IsMagicEffectForSpellmaking
- IsMagicEffectForSpellmakingC
- IsMagicEffectHostile
- IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercent
- IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercentC
- IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowedC
- IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowedC
- IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowedC
- IsMagicItemAutoCalc
- IsNthEffectItemScriptHostile
- IsNthEffectItemScripted
- IsSpellHostile
- MagicEffectFXPersists
- MagicEffectFXPersistsC
- MagicEffectHasNoArea
- MagicEffectHasNoAreaC
- MagicEffectHasNoDuration
- MagicEffectHasNoDurationC
- MagicEffectHasNoHitEffect
- MagicEffectHasNoHitEffectC
- MagicEffectHasNoIngredient
- MagicEffectHasNoIngredientC
- MagicEffectHasNoMagnitude
- MagicEffectHasNoMagnitudeC
- MagicEffectUsesArmor
- MagicEffectUsesArmorC
- MagicEffectUsesAttribute
- MagicEffectUsesAttributeC
- MagicEffectUsesCreature
- MagicEffectUsesCreatureC
- MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValue
- MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValueC
- MagicEffectUsesSkill
- MagicEffectUsesSkillC
- MagicEffectUsesWeapon
- MagicEffectUsesWeaponC
- MagicItemHasEffect
- MagicItemHasEffectCode
- MagicItemHasEffectCount
- MagicItemHasEffectCountCode
- MagicItemHasEffectItemScript
- ModEnchantmentCharge
- ModEnchantmentCost
- ModEquippedCurrentCharge
- ModNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- ModNthEffectItemArea
- ModNthEffectItemDuration
- ModNthEffectItemMagnitude
- ModNthEffectItemScriptName
- ModObjectCharge
- ModSpellMagickaCost
- RemoveAllEffectItems
- RemoveEnchantment
- RemoveNthEffectItem
- RemoveSpellNS
- SetEnchantment
- SetEnchantmentCharge
- SetEnchantmentCost
- SetEnchantmentType
- SetEquippedCurrentCharge
- SetMagicItemAutoCalc
- SetMagicProjectileSpell
- SetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- SetNthEffectItemActorValue
- SetNthEffectItemActorValueC
- SetNthEffectItemArea
- SetNthEffectItemDuration
- SetNthEffectItemMagnitude
- SetNthEffectItemRange
- SetNthEffectItemScript
- SetNthEffectItemScriptHostile
- SetNthEffectItemScriptName
- SetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
- SetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect
- SetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffectC
- SetObjectCharge
- SetSoulGemCapacity
- SetSoulLevel
- SetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
- SetSpellHostile
- SetSpellMagickaCost
- SetSpellMasteryLevel
- SetSpellType
- Magic Functions - Active Effect (OBSE) (31)
- GetActiveEffectCount
- GetNthActiveEffectCaster
- GetNthActiveEffectCode
- GetNthActiveEffectData
- GetNthActiveEffectDuration
- GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem
- GetNthActiveEffectMagicItemIndex
- GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- GetNthActiveEffectTimeElapsed
- GetScriptActiveEffectIndex
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitude
- GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitude
- GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitude
- GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitude
- GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitude
- GetTotalAEPowerMagnitudeC
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitude
- GetTotalAESpellMagnitudeC
- GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude
- GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitudeC
- ModNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- SetNthActiveEffectMagnitude
- Magic Functions - Effect Item (OBSE) (35)
- AddEffectItem
- AddEffectItemC
- AddFullEffectItem
- AddFullEffectItemC
- CopyAllEffectItems
- CopyNthEffectItem
- GetMagicItemEffectCount
- GetNthEffectItemActorValue
- GetNthEffectItemArea
- GetNthEffectItemCode
- GetNthEffectItemDuration
- GetNthEffectItemMagnitude
- GetNthEffectItemRange
- GetNthEffectItemScript
- GetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
- GetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect
- IsNthEffectItemScriptHostile
- IsNthEffectItemScripted
- ModNthEffectItemArea
- ModNthEffectItemDuration
- ModNthEffectItemMagnitude
- ModNthEffectItemScriptName
- RemoveAllEffectItems
- RemoveNthEffectItem
- SetNthEffectItemActorValue
- SetNthEffectItemActorValueC
- SetNthEffectItemArea
- SetNthEffectItemDuration
- SetNthEffectItemMagnitude
- SetNthEffectItemRange
- SetNthEffectItemScript
- SetNthEffectItemScriptHostile
- SetNthEffectItemScriptName
- SetNthEffectItemScriptSchool
- SetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffectC
- Magic Functions - Magic Effect (OBSE) (51)
- GetMagicEffectBarterFactor
- GetMagicEffectBaseCost
- GetMagicEffectCode
- GetMagicEffectEnchantFactor
- GetMagicEffectOtherActorValue
- GetMagicEffectOtherActorValueC
- GetMagicEffectProjectileSpeed
- GetMagicEffectSchool
- GetMagicEffectUsedObject
- GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
- IsMagicEffectCanRecover
- IsMagicEffectCanRecoverC
- IsMagicEffectDetrimental
- IsMagicEffectDetrimentalC
- IsMagicEffectForEnchanting
- IsMagicEffectForEnchantingC
- IsMagicEffectForSpellmaking
- IsMagicEffectForSpellmakingC
- IsMagicEffectHostile
- IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercent
- IsMagicEffectMagnitudePercentC
- IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnSelfAllowedC
- IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnTargetAllowedC
- IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowed
- IsMagicEffectOnTouchAllowedC
- MagicEffectFXPersists
- MagicEffectFXPersistsC
- MagicEffectHasNoArea
- MagicEffectHasNoAreaC
- MagicEffectHasNoDuration
- MagicEffectHasNoDurationC
- MagicEffectHasNoHitEffect
- MagicEffectHasNoHitEffectC
- MagicEffectHasNoIngredient
- MagicEffectHasNoIngredientC
- MagicEffectHasNoMagnitude
- MagicEffectHasNoMagnitudeC
- MagicEffectUsesArmor
- MagicEffectUsesArmorC
- MagicEffectUsesAttribute
- MagicEffectUsesAttributeC
- MagicEffectUsesCreature
- MagicEffectUsesCreatureC
- MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValue
- MagicEffectUsesOtherActorValueC
- MagicEffectUsesSkill
- MagicEffectUsesSkillC
- MagicEffectUsesWeapon
- MagicEffectUsesWeaponC
- Magic Functions - Magic Item (OBSE) (42)
- GetCurrentCharge
- GetEnchantment
- GetEnchantmentCharge
- GetEnchantmentCost
- GetEnchantmentType
- GetEquippedCurrentCharge
- GetMagicItemEffectCount
- GetNthPlayerSpell
- GetNthSpell
- GetObjectCharge
- GetPlayerSpell
- GetPlayerSpellCount
- GetSpellCount
- GetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
- GetSpellMagickaCost
- GetSpellMasteryLevel
- GetSpellSchool
- GetSpellType
- HasSpell
- IsMagicItemAutoCalc
- IsSpellHostile
- MagicItemHasEffect
- MagicItemHasEffectCount
- MagicItemHasEffectCountCode
- MagicItemHasEffectItemScript
- ModEnchantmentCharge
- ModEquippedCurrentCharge
- ModObjectCharge
- ModSpellMagickaCost
- RemoveEnchantment
- SetEnchantment
- SetEnchantmentCharge
- SetEnchantmentCost
- SetEnchantmentType
- SetEquippedCurrentCharge
- SetMagicItemAutoCalc
- SetObjectCharge
- SetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget
- SetSpellHostile
- SetSpellMagickaCost
- SetSpellMasteryLevel
- SetSpellType
- Math Functions (23)
- Miscellaneous Functions (103)
- Autosave
- CloneForm
- CloseCurrentOblivionGate
- CloseOblivionGate
- CompareIconPath
- CompareModelPath
- CopyIconPath
- CopyModelPath
- Disable
- DisableLinkedPathPoints
- Enable
- EnableFastTravel
- EnableLinkedPathPoints
- EssentialDeathReload
- ForceCloseOblivionGate
- GetActionRef
- GetButtonPressed
- GetContainerRespawns
- GetDebugSelection
- GetDestroyed
- GetDoorDefaultOpen
- GetGameLoaded
- GetGameRestarted
- GetGameSetting
- GetGlobalValue
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetLockLevel
- GetLocked
- GetModIndex
- GetNumLoadedPlugins
- GetNumericINISetting
- GetOpenState
- GetParentCell
- GetParentCellWaterHeight
- GetPersuasionNumber
- GetPluginVersion
- GetRandomPercent
- GetRefCount
- GetScriptVariable
- GetSourceModIndex
- GetTotalPersuasionNumber
- GoTo
- HasBeenPickedUp
- IsActionRef
- IsActivatable
- IsActivator
- IsClonedForm
- IsDoor
- IsFurniture
- IsGlobalCollisionDisabled
- IsHarvested
- IsModLoaded
- IsOffLimits
- IsPersistent
- IsPluginInstalled
- IsThirdPerson
- IsXBox
- Label
- LeftShift
- Lock
- LogicalAnd
- LogicalNot
- LogicalOr
- LogicalXor
- MenuMode (Function)
- Message
- MessageBox
- MessageBoxEx
- MessageEx
- ModIconPath
- ModModelPath
- ParentCellHasWater
- PlaceAtMe
- PlayBink
- PlaySound
- PlaySound3D
- Reset3DState
- ResetFallDamageTimer
- ResetInterior
- RestoreIP
- RightShift
- RunBatchScript
- SaveIP
- SetActorFullName
- SetCellFullName
- SetContainerRespawns
- SetDestroyed
- SetDisableGlobalCollision
- SetDoorDefaultOpen
- SetHarvested
- SetHasBeenPickedUp
- SetIconPath
- SetModelPath
- SetNumericGameSetting
- SetNumericINISetting
- SetOpenState
- SetRefCount
- SetScaleEX
- SetSize
- ShowMap
- StreamMusic
- TrapUpdate
- Unlock
- Miscellaneous Functions (CS 1.0) (46)
- Autosave
- CloseCurrentOblivionGate
- CloseOblivionGate
- Disable
- DisableLinkedPathPoints
- Enable
- EnableFastTravel
- EnableLinkedPathPoints
- EssentialDeathReload
- GetActionRef
- GetButtonPressed
- GetDestroyed
- GetDoorDefaultOpen
- GetGameSetting
- GetGlobalValue
- GetIdleDoneOnce
- GetLockLevel
- GetLocked
- GetOpenState
- GetPersuasionNumber
- GetRandomPercent
- GetScriptVariable
- GetTotalPersuasionNumber
- IsActionRef
- IsXBox
- Lock
- MenuMode (Function)
- Message
- MessageBox
- PlaceAtMe
- PlayBink
- PlaySound
- PlaySound3D
- Reset3DState
- ResetFallDamageTimer
- ResetInterior
- SetActorFullName
- SetCellFullName
- SetDestroyed
- SetDoorDefaultOpen
- SetOpenState
- SetSize
- ShowMap
- StreamMusic
- TrapUpdate
- Unlock
- Miscellaneous Functions (OBSE) (56)
- CloneForm
- CompareIconPath
- CompareModelPath
- CopyIconPath
- CopyModelPath
- GetContainerRespawns
- GetDebugSelection
- GetGameLoaded
- GetGameRestarted
- GetModIndex
- GetNumLoadedPlugins
- GetNumericINISetting
- GetParentCell
- GetParentCellWaterHeight
- GetPluginVersion
- GetRefCount
- GetSourceModIndex
- GoTo
- HasBeenPickedUp
- IsActivatable
- IsActivator
- IsClonedForm
- IsDoor
- IsFurniture
- IsGlobalCollisionDisabled
- IsHarvested
- IsModLoaded
- IsOffLimits
- IsPersistent
- IsPluginInstalled
- IsThirdPerson
- Label
- LeftShift
- LogicalAnd
- LogicalNot
- LogicalOr
- LogicalXor
- MessageBoxEx
- MessageEx
- ModIconPath
- ModModelPath
- ParentCellHasWater
- RestoreIP
- RightShift
- RunBatchScript
- SaveIP
- SetContainerRespawns
- SetDisableGlobalCollision
- SetHarvested
- SetHasBeenPickedUp
- SetIconPath
- SetModelPath
- SetNumericGameSetting
- SetNumericINISetting
- SetRefCount
- SetScaleEX
- Movement Functions (13)
- Player Functions (64)
- AdvancePCLevel
- AdvancePCSkill
- DisablePlayerControls
- EnablePlayerControls
- GetAmountSoldStolen
- GetClassDefaultMatch
- GetIsClassDefault
- GetIsPlayerBirthsign
- GetNthPlayerSpell
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- GetPCFame
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCInfamy
- GetPCIsClass
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
- GetPlayerInSEWorld
- GetPlayerSkillUse
- GetPlayerSpell
- GetPlayerSpellCount
- GetSkillUseIncrement
- HasVampireFed
- IncrementPlayerSkillUse
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPCSleeping
- IsPlayerInJail
- IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
- IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- IsThirdPerson
- IsTimePassing
- IsTurnArrest
- ModAmountSoldStolen
- ModPCAttribute
- ModPCFame
- ModPCInfamy
- ModPCMiscStat
- ModPCSkill
- SetInCharGen
- SetPCAMurderer
- SetPCExpelled
- SetPCFactionAttack
- SetPCFactionMurder
- SetPCFactionSteal
- SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- SetPCFame
- SetPCInfamy
- SetPCSleepHours
- SetPlayerInSEWorld
- SetSkillUseIncrement
- ShowBirthsignMenu
- ShowClassMenu
- ShowEnchantment
- ShowRaceMenu
- ShowSpellMaking
- TriggerHitShader
- WakeUpPC
- Player Functions (CS 1.0) (53)
- AdvancePCLevel
- AdvancePCSkill
- DisablePlayerControls
- EnablePlayerControls
- GetAmountSoldStolen
- GetClassDefaultMatch
- GetIsClassDefault
- GetIsPlayerBirthsign
- GetPCExpelled
- GetPCFactionAttack
- GetPCFactionMurder
- GetPCFactionSteal
- GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- GetPCFame
- GetPCInFaction
- GetPCInfamy
- GetPCIsClass
- GetPCIsRace
- GetPCIsSex
- GetPCMiscStat
- GetPCSleepHours
- GetPlayerControlsDisabled
- GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse
- HasVampireFed
- IsPCAMurderer
- IsPCSleeping
- IsPlayerInJail
- IsPlayerMovingIntoNewSpace
- IsPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- IsTimePassing
- IsTurnArrest
- ModAmountSoldStolen
- ModPCAttribute
- ModPCFame
- ModPCInfamy
- ModPCMiscStat
- ModPCSkill
- SetInCharGen
- SetPCExpelled
- SetPCFactionAttack
- SetPCFactionMurder
- SetPCFactionSteal
- SetPCFactionSubmitAuthority
- SetPCFame
- SetPCInfamy
- SetPCSleepHours
- ShowBirthsignMenu
- ShowClassMenu
- ShowEnchantment
- ShowRaceMenu
- ShowSpellMaking
- TriggerHitShader
- WakeUpPC
- Player Functions (OBSE) (9)
- Projectile Functions (OBSE) (8)
- Quest Functions (8)
- Record Variable Functions (36)
- GetActionRef
- GetBaseObject
- GetCombatTarget
- GetContainer
- GetCreatureSoundBase
- GetCrosshairRef
- GetCurrentClimateID
- GetCurrentWeatherID
- GetEnchantment
- GetEquippedObject
- GetEquippedWeaponPoison
- GetFirstRef
- GetHorse
- GetInventoryObject
- GetLinkedDoor
- GetMagicEffectUsedObject
- GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNextRef
- GetNthChildRef
- GetNthFaction
- GetNthFollower
- GetNthPlayerSpell
- GetNumChildRefs
- GetOpenKey
- GetOwner
- GetPackageTarget
- GetParentCell
- GetParentCellOwner
- GetParentRef
- GetPlayersLastActivatedLoadDoor
- GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- GetSelf
- GetTeleportCell
- IsTaken
- This
- Record Variable Functions (CS 1.0) (7)
- Record Variable Functions (OBSE) (29)
- GetBaseObject
- GetCreatureSoundBase
- GetCrosshairRef
- GetCurrentClimateID
- GetCurrentWeatherID
- GetEnchantment
- GetEquippedObject
- GetEquippedWeaponPoison
- GetFirstRef
- GetHorse
- GetInventoryObject
- GetLinkedDoor
- GetMagicEffectUsedObject
- GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNextRef
- GetNthChildRef
- GetNthFaction
- GetNthFollower
- GetNthPlayerSpell
- GetNumChildRefs
- GetOpenKey
- GetOwner
- GetParentCell
- GetParentCellOwner
- GetPlayersLastActivatedLoadDoor
- GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse
- GetTeleportCell
- IsTaken
- Statistics Functions (31)
- ForceActorValue
- GetActorValue
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetBarterGold
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetClass
- GetClassAttribute
- GetClassSkill
- GetClassSpecialization
- GetDisposition
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetGold
- GetInvestmentGold
- GetLevel
- GetScale
- GetWalkSpeed
- IsClassAttribute
- IsClassSkill
- ModActorValue
- ModBarterGold
- ModDisposition
- ModScale
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SetActorValue
- SetBarterGold
- SetEssential
- SetInvestmentGold
- SetItemValue
- SetScale
- Actor Value Functions (56)
- CanCorpseCheck
- CopyEyes
- CopyHair
- FactionHasSpecialCombat
- ForceActorValue
- GetActorLightAmount
- GetActorMaxLevel
- GetActorMinLevel
- GetActorSoulLevel
- GetActorValue
- GetActorValueC
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetCellMusicType
- GetClass
- GetClassAttribute
- GetClassSkill
- GetClassSpecialization
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNthFaction
- GetNumFactions
- GetNumRanks
- GetTravelHorse
- HasLowLevelProcessing
- HasNoPersuasion
- HasSpell
- IsActorRespawning
- IsClassAttribute
- IsClassSkill
- IsFactionEvil
- IsFactionHidden
- IsPCLevelOffset
- IsRefEssential
- IsSummonable
- ModActorValue
- ModActorValue2
- ModActorValueC
- ModDisposition
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SetActorRespawns
- SetActorValue
- SetActorValueC
- SetCanCorpseCheck
- SetEyes
- SetFactionEvil
- SetFactionSpecialCombat
- SetFactionHidden
- SetFemale
- SetHair
- SetLowLevelProcessing
- SetMerchantContainer
- SetNoPersuasion
- SetPCLevelOffset
- SetRefEssential
- SetSummonable
- SetTravelHorse
- Actor Value Functions (CS 1.0) (7)
- Actor Value Functions (OBSE) (48)
- CanCorpseCheck
- CopyEyes
- CopyHair
- FactionHasSpecialCombat
- GetActorLightAmount
- GetActorMaxLevel
- GetActorMinLevel
- GetActorSoulLevel
- GetActorValueC
- GetCellMusicType
- GetClass
- GetClassAttribute
- GetClassSkill
- GetClassSpecialization
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNthFaction
- GetNumFactions
- GetNumRanks
- GetTravelHorse
- HasLowLevelProcessing
- HasNoPersuasion
- HasSpell
- IsActorRespawning
- IsClassAttribute
- IsClassSkill
- IsFactionEvil
- IsFactionHidden
- IsPCLevelOffset
- IsRefEssential
- IsSummonable
- ModActorValue2
- ModActorValueC
- SetActorRespawns
- SetActorValueC
- SetCanCorpseCheck
- SetEyes
- SetFactionEvil
- SetFactionSpecialCombat
- SetFactionHidden
- SetFemale
- SetHair
- SetLowLevelProcessing
- SetMerchantContainer
- SetNoPersuasion
- SetPCLevelOffset
- SetRefEssential
- SetSummonable
- SetTravelHorse
- Actor Values (71)
- Acrobatics
- Aggression
- Agility
- Alchemy
- Alteration
- Armorer
- Athletics
- AttackBonus
- Blade
- Blindness
- Block
- Blunt
- Bounty
- CastingPenalty
- Chameleon
- Confidence
- Confusion
- Conjuration
- Darkness
- DefendBonus
- Destruction
- DetectItemRange
- DetectLifeRange
- Encumbrance
- Endurance
- Energy
- Fatigue
- Hand to Hand
- Health
- Heavy Armor
- Illusion
- Intelligence
- Invisibility
- Light Armor
- Luck
- Magicka
- MagickaMultiplier
- Marksman
- Mercantile
- Mysticism
- NightEyeBonus
- Paralysis
- Personality
- ReflectDamage
- ResistDisease
- ResistFire
- ResistFrost
- ResistMagic
- ResistNormalWeapons
- ResistParalysis
- ResistPoison
- ResistShock
- ResistWaterDamage
- Responsibility
- Restoration
- Security
- Silence
- Sneak
- Speechcraft
- Speed
- SpellAbsorbChance
- SpellReflectChance
- Stats Overview
- Strength
- StuntedMagicka
- SwimSpeedMultiplier
- Telekinesis
- Vampirism
- WaterBreathing
- WaterWalking
- Willpower
- Statistics Functions (CS 1.0) (25)
- ForceActorValue
- GetActorValue
- GetArmorRating
- GetArmorRatingUpperBody
- GetBarterGold
- GetBaseActorValue
- GetDisposition
- GetFatiguePercentage
- GetGold
- GetInvestmentGold
- GetLevel
- GetScale
- GetWalkSpeed
- ModActorValue
- ModBarterGold
- ModDisposition
- ModScale
- ResetHealth
- Resurrect
- SetActorValue
- SetBarterGold
- SetEssential
- SetInvestmentGold
- SetItemValue
- SetScale
- Statistics Functions (OBSE) (6)
- Actor Value Functions (OBSE) (48)
- CanCorpseCheck
- CopyEyes
- CopyHair
- FactionHasSpecialCombat
- GetActorLightAmount
- GetActorMaxLevel
- GetActorMinLevel
- GetActorSoulLevel
- GetActorValueC
- GetCellMusicType
- GetClass
- GetClassAttribute
- GetClassSkill
- GetClassSpecialization
- GetMerchantContainer
- GetNthFaction
- GetNumFactions
- GetNumRanks
- GetTravelHorse
- HasLowLevelProcessing
- HasNoPersuasion
- HasSpell
- IsActorRespawning
- IsClassAttribute
- IsClassSkill
- IsFactionEvil
- IsFactionHidden
- IsPCLevelOffset
- IsRefEssential
- IsSummonable
- ModActorValue2
- ModActorValueC
- SetActorRespawns
- SetActorValueC
- SetCanCorpseCheck
- SetEyes
- SetFactionEvil
- SetFactionSpecialCombat
- SetFactionHidden
- SetFemale
- SetHair
- SetLowLevelProcessing
- SetMerchantContainer
- SetNoPersuasion
- SetPCLevelOffset
- SetRefEssential
- SetSummonable
- SetTravelHorse
- Actor Value Functions (OBSE) (48)
- Time Functions (4)
- Weather Functions (56)
- ForceWeather
- GetClimateHasMasser
- GetClimateHasSecunda
- GetClimateMoonPhaseLength
- GetClimateSunriseBegin
- GetClimateSunriseEnd
- GetClimateSunsetBegin
- GetClimateSunsetEnd
- GetClimateVolatility
- GetCurrentClimateID
- GetCurrentWeatherID
- GetCurrentWeatherPercent
- GetIsCurrentWeather
- GetWeatherCloudSpeedLower
- GetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper
- GetWeatherColor
- GetWeatherFogDayFar
- GetWeatherFogDayNear
- GetWeatherFogNightFar
- GetWeatherFogNightNear
- GetWeatherHDRValue
- GetWeatherLightningFrequency
- GetWeatherSunDamage
- GetWeatherSunGlare
- GetWeatherTransDelta
- GetWeatherWindSpeed
- GetWindSpeed
- IsCloudy
- IsPleasant
- IsRaining
- IsSnowing
- RefreshCurrentClimate
- ReleaseWeatherOverride
- SetClimateHasMasser
- SetClimateHasSecunda
- SetClimateMoonPhaseLength
- SetClimateSunriseBegin
- SetClimateSunriseEnd
- SetClimateSunsetBegin
- SetClimateSunsetEnd
- SetClimateVolatility
- SetWeather
- SetWeatherCloudSpeedLower
- SetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper
- SetWeatherColor
- SetWeatherFogDayFar
- SetWeatherFogDayNear
- SetWeatherFogNightFar
- SetWeatherFogNightNear
- SetWeatherHDRValue
- SetWeatherLightningFrequency
- SetWeatherSunDamage
- SetWeatherSunGlare
- SetWeatherTransDelta
- SetWeatherWindSpeed
- Weather
- Weather Functions (CS 1.0) (10)
- Weather Functions (OBSE) (45)
- GetClimateHasMasser
- GetClimateHasSecunda
- GetClimateMoonPhaseLength
- GetClimateSunriseBegin
- GetClimateSunriseEnd
- GetClimateSunsetBegin
- GetClimateSunsetEnd
- GetClimateVolatility
- GetCurrentClimateID
- GetCurrentWeatherID
- GetWeatherCloudSpeedLower
- GetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper
- GetWeatherColor
- GetWeatherFogDayFar
- GetWeatherFogDayNear
- GetWeatherFogNightFar
- GetWeatherFogNightNear
- GetWeatherHDRValue
- GetWeatherLightningFrequency
- GetWeatherSunDamage
- GetWeatherSunGlare
- GetWeatherTransDelta
- GetWeatherWindSpeed
- RefreshCurrentClimate
- SetClimateHasMasser
- SetClimateHasSecunda
- SetClimateMoonPhaseLength
- SetClimateSunriseBegin
- SetClimateSunriseEnd
- SetClimateSunsetBegin
- SetClimateSunsetEnd
- SetClimateVolatility
- SetWeatherCloudSpeedLower
- SetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper
- SetWeatherColor
- SetWeatherFogDayFar
- SetWeatherFogDayNear
- SetWeatherFogNightFar
- SetWeatherFogNightNear
- SetWeatherHDRValue
- SetWeatherLightningFrequency
- SetWeatherSunDamage
- SetWeatherSunGlare
- SetWeatherTransDelta
- SetWeatherWindSpeed