OBSE 19 |
GenerateIdentityMatrix |
OBSE 19 |
GenerateRotationMatrix |
OBSE 19 |
GenerateZeroMatrix |
CS |
GetActionRef |
Returns reference to Actor activating the caller (OnActivate block type only!).
OBSE 18 |
GetActiveEffectCasters |
OBSE 18 |
GetActiveEffectCodes |
OBSE 13 |
GetActiveEffectCount |
OBSE 15 |
GetActiveMenuFilter |
OBSE 15 |
GetActiveMenuMode |
OBSE 15 |
GetActiveMenuObject |
OBSE 15 |
GetActiveMenuRef |
OBSE 15 |
GetActiveMenuSelection |
OBSE 19 |
GetActiveQuest |
OBSE 16 |
GetActiveUIComponentFullName |
OBSE 16 |
GetActiveUIComponentID |
OBSE 16 |
GetActiveUIComponentName |
OBSE 18 |
GetActorAlpha |
OBSE 20 |
GetActorBaseLevel |
GetActorLightAmount |
OBSE 14 |
GetActorMaxLevel |
OBSE 21 |
GetActorMaxSwimBreath |
OBSE 18 |
GetActorPackages |
OBSE 14 |
GetActorSoulLevel |
OBSE 21 |
GetActorSwimBreath |
CS |
GetActorValue |
Returns current value of an NPC/Player stat.
OBSE 14 |
GetActorValueC |
CS |
GetAlarmed |
OBSE 15 |
GetAlchMenuApparatus |
Returns apparatus being used in brewing process.
OBSE 15 |
GetAlchMenuIngredient |
Returns one of the ingredients in potion being brewed.
OBSE 15 |
GetAlchMenuIngredientCount |
Returns amount of ingredient for potion being brewed.
OBSE 18 |
GetAllies |
OBSE 19 |
GetAllModLocalData |
GetAltControl |
OBSE 15 |
GetAltControl2 |
Returns the dx scancode of alternate key used for specified control.
CS |
GetAmountSoldStolen |
CS |
GetAngle |
Finds the angle (0-360 degrees) on specified axis.
OBSE 10 |
GetApparatusType |
GetArmorAR |
CS |
GetArmorRating |
CS |
GetArmorRatingUpperBody |
GetArmorType |
OBSE 19 |
GetArrayVariable |
OBSE 15 |
GetArrowProjectileBowEnchantment |
OBSE 15 |
GetArrowProjectileEnchantment |
OBSE 15 |
GetArrowProjectilePoison |
GetAttackDamage |
CS |
GetAttacked |
OBSE 19 |
GetAVForBaseActor |
OBSE 19 |
GetAVMod |
CS |
GetBarterGold |
Gives amount of gold available from NPC vendor.
OBSE 19 |
GetBarterItem |
OBSE 19 |
GetBarterItemQuantity |
CS |
GetBaseActorValue |
GetBaseActorValueC |
OBSE 18 |
GetBaseAV2 |
OBSE 18 |
GetBaseAV2C |
OBSE 17 |
GetBaseItems |
GetBaseObject |
OBSE 16 |
GetBipedIconPath |
OBSE 16 |
GetBipedModelPath |
OBSE 16 |
GetBipedSlotMask |
OBSE 18 |
GetBirthsignSpells |
OBSE 10 |
GetBookCantBeTaken |
OBSE 10 |
GetBookIsScroll |
OBSE 19 |
GetBookLength |
OBSE 10 |
GetBookSkillTaught |
OBSE 16 |
GetBookText |
OBSE 19 |
GetBoundingBox |
OBSE 20 |
GetBoundingRadius |
CS |
GetButtonPressed |
Returns number of button (counting from 0) clicked in last MessageBox.
OBSE 15 |
GetCalcAllLevels |
OBSE 15 |
GetCalcEachInCount |
OBSE 20 |
GetCallingScript |
OBSE 18 |
GetCellBehavesAsExterior |
OBSE 19 |
GetCellChanged |
OBSE 20 |
GetCellClimate |
OBSE 18 |
GetCellDetachTime |
OBSE 20 |
GetCellLighting |
OBSE 14 |
GetCellMusicType |
OBSE 20 |
GetCellNorthRotation |
OBSE 18 |
GetCellResetHours |
OBSE 20 |
GetCellWaterType |
OBSE 15 |
GetChanceNone |
GetClass |
GetClassAttribute |
CS |
GetClassDefaultMatch |
OBSE 19 |
GetClassMenuHighlightedClass |
OBSE 19 |
GetClassMenuSelectedClass |
GetClassSkill |
OBSE 18 |
GetClassSkills |
GetClassSpecialization |
OBSE 13 |
GetClimateHasMasser |
OBSE 13 |
GetClimateHasSecunda |
OBSE 13 |
GetClimateMoonPhaseLength |
OBSE 12 |
GetClimateSunriseBegin |
OBSE 12 |
GetClimateSunriseEnd |
OBSE 12 |
GetClimateSunsetBegin |
OBSE 12 |
GetClimateSunsetEnd |
OBSE 13 |
GetClimateVolatility |
OBSE 15 |
GetCloseSound |
CS |
GetClothingValue |
Computes the total value of worn equipment on the actor.
OBSE 18 |
GetCombatSpells |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyle |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleAcrobaticsDodgeChance |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleAttackChance |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleAttackDuringBlockMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleAttackNotUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleAttackSkillModBase |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleAttackSkillModMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleAttackUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleBlockChance |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleBlockNotUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleBlockSkillModBase |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleBlockSkillModMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleBlockUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleBuffStandoffDist |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeBackNotUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeBackTimerMax |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeBackTimerMin |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeBackUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeChance |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeFatigueModBase |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeFatigueModMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeFWAttackingMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeFWNotAttackingMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeFWTimerMax |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeFWTimerMin |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeLRChance |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeLRTimerMax |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeLRTimerMin |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeNotUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleDodgeUnderAttackMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleEncumberedSpeedModBase |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleEncumberedSpeedModMult |
OBSE 18 |
GetCombatStyleFleeingDisabled |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleGroupStandoffDist |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleH2HBonusToAttack |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleHoldTimerMax |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleHoldTimerMin |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleIdleTimerMax |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleIdleTimerMin |
OBSE 18 |
GetCombatStyleIgnoreAlliesInArea |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleKOBonusToAttack |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleKOBonusToPowerAttack |
OBSE 18 |
GetCombatStyleMeleeAlertOK |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStylePowerAttackChance |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStylePowerAttackFatigueModBase |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStylePowerAttackFatigueModMult |
OBSE 18 |
GetCombatStylePrefersRanged |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleRangedStandoffDist |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleRangeMaxMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleRangeOptimalMult |
OBSE 18 |
GetCombatStyleRejectsYields |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleRushAttackChance |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleRushAttackDistMult |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleStaggerBonusToAttack |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleStaggerBonusToPowerAttack |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleSwitchDistMelee |
OBSE 17 |
GetCombatStyleSwitchDistRanged |
OBSE 18 |
GetCombatStyleWillYield |
CS |
GetCombatTarget |
OBSE 19 |
GetCompletedQuests |
CS |
GetContainer |
Returns a reference to the container the scripted object is in, if any.
OBSE 15 |
GetContainerMenuView |
Returns 1 for player inventory, 0 for merchant\container.
OBSE 13 |
GetContainerRespawns |
GetControl |
OBSE 13 |
GetCreatureBaseScale |
OBSE 10 |
GetCreatureCombatSkill |
OBSE 14 |
GetCreatureFlies |
OBSE 10 |
GetCreatureMagicSkill |
OBSE 18 |
GetCreatureModelPaths |
OBSE 13 |
GetCreatureReach |
OBSE 13 |
GetCreatureSoulLevel |
OBSE 15 |
GetCreatureSound |
OBSE 14 |
GetCreatureSoundBase |
OBSE 10 |
GetCreatureStealthSkill |
OBSE 14 |
GetCreatureSwims |
OBSE 10 |
GetCreatureType |
OBSE 14 |
GetCreatureWalks |
CS |
GetCrime |
CS |
GetCrimeGold |
CS |
GetCrimeKnown |
OBSE 14 |
GetCrosshairRef |
CS |
GetCurrentAIPackage |
CS |
GetCurrentAIProcedure |
OBSE 10 |
GetCurrentCharge |
OBSE 12 |
GetCurrentClimateID |
OBSE 18 |
GetCurrentEditorPackage |
OBSE 19 |
GetCurrentEventName |
OBSE 10 |
GetCurrentHealth |
OBSE 18 |
GetCurrentPackage |
OBSE 20 |
GetCurrentPackageProcedure |
OBSE 19 |
GetCurrentQuests |
OBSE 17 |
GetCurrentRegion |
OBSE 18 |
GetCurrentRegions |
OBSE 20 |
GetCurrentScript |
OBSE 10 |
GetCurrentSoulLevel |
CS |
GetCurrentTime |
OBSE 12 |
GetCurrentWeatherID |
CS |
GetCurrentWeatherPercent |
OBSE 16 |
GetCursorPos |
CS |
GetDayOfWeek |
CS |
GetDead |
CS |
GetDeadCount |
OBSE 13 |
GetDebugSelection |
OBSE 18 |
GetDescription |
CS |
GetDestroyed |
CS |
GetDetected |
CS |
GetDetectionLevel |
CS |
GetDisabled |
CS |
GetDisposition |
CS |
GetDistance |
CS |
GetDoorDefaultOpen |
OBSE 18 |
GetDoorTeleportRot |
OBSE 18 |
GetDoorTeleportX |
OBSE 18 |
GetDoorTeleportY |
OBSE 18 |
GetDoorTeleportZ |
OBSE 17 |
GetEditorID |
OBSE 20 |
GetEditorSize |
OBSE 9a |
GetEnchantment |
OBSE 9a |
GetEnchantmentCharge |
OBSE 9a |
GetEnchantmentCost |
OBSE 9a |
GetEnchantmentType |
OBSE 19 |
GetEnchMenuBaseItem |
OBSE 15 |
GetEnchMenuEnchItem |
OBSE 15 |
GetEnchMenuSoulgem |
GetEquipmentSlot |
OBSE 10 |
GetEquipmentSlotMask |
CS |
GetEquipped |
GetEquippedCurrentCharge |
GetEquippedCurrentHealth |
OBSE 17 |
GetEquippedItems |
GetEquippedObject |
OBSE 20 |
GetEquippedTorchTimeLeft |
GetEquippedWeaponPoison |
Pluggy |
GetEsp |
OBSE 15 |
GetEyes |
CS |
GetFactionRank |
CS |
GetFactionRankDifference |
CS |
GetFactionReaction |
OBSE 15 |
GetFallTimer |
CS |
GetFatiguePercentage |
OBSE 13 |
GetFirstRef |
OBSE 16 |
GetFirstRefInCell |
OBSE 17 |
GetFollowers |
CS |
GetForceRun |
CS |
GetForceSneak |
OBSE 16 |
GetFormFromMod |
OBSE 17 |
GetFormIDString |
OBSE 10 |
GetFPS |
CS |
GetFriendHit |
OBSE 15 |
GetFullGoldValue |
CS |
GetFurnitureMarkerID |
OBSE 18 |
GetGameDifficulty |
GetGameLoaded |
OBSE 13 |
GetGameRestarted |
CS |
GetGameSetting |
CS |
GetGlobalValue |
OBSE 15 |
GetGodMode |
CS |
GetGold |
GetGoldValue |
OBSE 18 |
GetGridsToLoad |
OBSE 15 |
GetHair |
OBSE 15 |
GetHairColor |
CS |
GetHeadingAngle |
OBSE 16 |
GetHidesAmulet |
OBSE 16 |
GetHidesRings |
OBSE 20 |
GetHighActors |
OBSE 14 |
GetHorse |
OBSE 15 |
GetHotKeyItem |
OBSE 16 |
GetIconPath |
CS |
GetIdleDoneOnce |
CS |
GetIgnoreFriendlyHits |
GetIgnoresResistance |
Pluggy |
GetInArray |
CS |
GetInCell |
CS |
GetInCellParam |
CS |
GetInFaction |
OBSE 16 |
GetIngredient |
OBSE 16 |
GetIngredientChance |
OBSE 16 |
GetInputText |
CS |
GetInSameCell |
GetInventoryObject |
CS |
GetInvestmentGold |
OBSE 19 |
GetInvRefsForItem |
CS |
GetInWorldspace |
CS |
GetIsAlerted |
CS |
GetIsClass |
CS |
GetIsClassDefault |
CS |
GetIsCreature |
CS |
GetIsCurrentPackage |
CS |
GetIsCurrentWeather |
CS |
GetIsGhost |
CS |
GetIsID |
CS |
GetIsPlayableRace |
CS |
GetIsPlayerBirthsign |
CS |
GetIsRace |
CS |
GetIsReference |
CS |
GetIsSex |
CS |
GetIsUsedItem |
CS |
GetIsUsedItemType |
CS |
GetItemCount |
OBSE 17 |
GetItems |
OBSE 17 |
GetKeyName |
GetKeyPress |
CS |
GetKnockedState |
OBSE 16 |
GetLastCreatedPotion |
OBSE 16 |
GetLastCreatedSpell |
OBSE 16 |
GetLastEnchantedItem |
OBSE 19 |
GetLastSigilStoneCreatedItem |
OBSE 19 |
GetLastSigilStoneEnchantedItem |
OBSE 19 |
GetLastTransactionItem |
OBSE 19 |
GetLastTransactionQuantity |
OBSE 16 |
GetLastUniqueCreatedPotion |
OBSE 19 |
GetLastUsedSigilStone |
CS |
GetLevel |
OBSE 18 |
GetLeveledSpells |
OBSE 15 |
GetLevItemByLevel |
OBSE 16 |
GetLevItemIndexByForm |
OBSE 16 |
GetLevItemIndexByLevel |
OBSE 20 |
GetLightDuration |
OBSE 14 |
GetLightRadius |
OBSE 19 |
GetLightRGB |
OBSE 13 |
GetLinkedDoor |
OBSE 20 |
GetLocalGravity |
CS |
GetLocked |
CS |
GetLockLevel |
OBSE 15 |
GetLoopSound |
CS |
GetLOS |
OBSE 21 |
GetLuckModifiedSkill |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectAreaSound |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectAreaSoundC |
GetMagicEffectBarterFactor |
GetMagicEffectBaseCost |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectBoltSound |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectBoltSoundC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectCastingSound |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectCastingSoundC |
OBSE 19 |
GetMagicEffectChars |
OBSE 19 |
GetMagicEffectCharsC |
GetMagicEffectCode |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectCounters |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectCountersC |
GetMagicEffectEnchantFactor |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectEnchantShader |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectEnchantShaderC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectHitShader |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectHitShaderC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectHitSound |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectHitSoundC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectIcon |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectIconC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectLight |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectLightC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectModel |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectModelC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectName |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectNameC |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectNumCounters |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectNumCountersC |
OBSE 10 |
GetMagicEffectOtherActorValue |
OBSE 10 |
GetMagicEffectOtherActorValueC |
GetMagicEffectProjectileSpeed |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectResistValue |
OBSE 17 |
GetMagicEffectResistValueC |
GetMagicEffectSchool |
OBSE 10 |
GetMagicEffectUsedObject |
OBSE 10 |
GetMagicEffectUsedObjectC |
GetMagicItemEffectCount |
GetMagicItemType |
OBSE 15 |
GetMagicProjectileSpell |
OBSE 20 |
GetMapMarkers |
OBSE 16 |
GetMapMarkerType |
OBSE 18 |
GetMapMenuMarkerName |
OBSE 18 |
GetMapMenuMarkerRef |
OBSE 19 |
GetMaxAV |
OBSE 16 |
GetMenuFloatValue |
OBSE 16 |
GetMenuHasTrait |
OBSE 16 |
GetMenuStringValue |
OBSE 12 |
GetMerchantContainer |
OBSE 17 |
GetMessageBoxType |
OBSE 20 |
GetMiddleHighActors |
OBSE 16 |
GetModelPath |
OBSE 15 |
GetModIndex |
OBSE 19 |
GetModLocalData |
GetMouseButtonPress |
OBSE 18 |
GetMouseButtonsSwapped |
OBSE 16 |
GetName |
OBSE 13 |
GetNextRef |
CS |
GetNoRumors |
OBSE 20 |
GetNthActiveEffectActorValue |
OBSE 18 |
GetNthActiveEffectBoundItem |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectCaster |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectCode |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectData |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectDuration |
OBSE 18 |
GetNthActiveEffectEnchantObject |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectMagicItem |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectMagicItemIndex |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectMagnitude |
OBSE 18 |
GetNthActiveEffectSummonRef |
OBSE 13 |
GetNthActiveEffectTimeElapsed |
OBSE 14 |
GetNthChildRef |
OBSE 15 |
GetNthDetectedActor |
OBSE 20 |
GetNthEffectItem |
GetNthEffectItemActorValue |
GetNthEffectItemArea |
GetNthEffectItemCode |
GetNthEffectItemDuration |
GetNthEffectItemMagnitude |
OBSE 17 |
GetNthEffectItemName |
GetNthEffectItemRange |
OBSE 10 |
GetNthEffectItemScript |
OBSE 16 |
GetNthEffectItemScriptName |
OBSE 10 |
GetNthEffectItemScriptSchool |
OBSE 10 |
GetNthEffectItemScriptVisualEffect |
OBSE 16 |
GetNthExplicitRef |
OBSE 14 |
GetNthFaction |
OBSE 16 |
GetNthFactionRankName |
OBSE 14 |
GetNthFollower |
OBSE 15 |
GetNthLevItem |
OBSE 15 |
GetNthLevItemCount |
OBSE 15 |
GetNthLevItemLevel |
OBSE 17 |
GetNthMagicEffectCounter |
OBSE 17 |
GetNthMagicEffectCounterC |
OBSE 16 |
GetNthModName |
OBSE 15 |
GetNthPackage |
OBSE 10 |
GetNthPlayerSpell |
OBSE 12 |
GetNthRaceBonusSkill |
OBSE 14 |
GetNthRaceSpell |
GetNthSpell |
OBSE 14 |
GetNumChildRefs |
OBSE 15 |
GetNumDetectedActors |
GetNumericINISetting |
OBSE 16 |
GetNumExplicitRefs |
OBSE 14 |
GetNumFactions |
OBSE 14 |
GetNumFollowers |
GetNumItems |
GetNumKeysPressed |
OBSE 15 |
GetNumLevItems |
OBSE 15 |
GetNumLoadedPlugins |
GetNumMouseButtonsPressed |
OBSE 15 |
GetNumPackages |
OBSE 14 |
GetNumRanks |
OBSE 13 |
GetNumRefs |
OBSE 16 |
GetNumRefsInCell |
GetObjectCharge |
GetObjectHealth |
GetObjectType |
OBSE 18 |
GetOblivionDirectory |
OBSE 15 |
GetOBSERevision |
GetOBSEVersion |
CS |
GetOffersServicesNow |
OBSE 13 |
GetOpenKey |
OBSE 15 |
GetOpenSound |
CS |
GetOpenState |
OBSE 13 |
GetOwner |
OBSE 13 |
GetOwningFactionRequiredRank |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageAllowFalls |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageAllowSwimming |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageAlwaysRun |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageAlwaysSneak |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageArmorUnequipped |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageContinueIfPCNear |
OBSE 19 |
GetPackageData |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageDefensiveCombat |
OBSE 19 |
GetPackageLocationData |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageLockDoorsAtEnd |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageLockDoorsAtLocation |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageLockDoorsAtStart |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageMustComplete |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageMustReachLocation |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageNoIdleAnims |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageOffersServices |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageOncePerDay |
OBSE 19 |
GetPackageScheduleData |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageSkipFalloutBehavior |
CS |
GetPackageTarget |
OBSE 19 |
GetPackageTargetData |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageUnlockDoorsAtEnd |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageUnlockDoorsAtLocation |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageUnlockDoorsAtStart |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageUseHorse |
OBSE 18 |
GetPackageWeaponsUnequipped |
GetParentCell |
OBSE 13 |
GetParentCellOwner |
OBSE 13 |
GetParentCellOwningFactionRequiredRank |
OBSE 13 |
GetParentCellWaterHeight |
CS |
GetParentRef |
Returns the parent reference (assigned in Construction Set) of an object in the world.
OBSE 17 |
GetParentWorldspace |
OBSE 20 |
GetPathNodeLinkedRef |
OBSE 20 |
GetPathNodePos |
OBSE 20 |
GetPathNodesInRadius |
OBSE 20 |
GetPathNodesInRect |
OBSE 15 |
GetPCAttributeBonus |
OBSE 19 |
GetPCAttributeBonusC |
CS |
GetPCExpelled |
CS |
GetPCFactionAttack |
CS |
GetPCFactionMurder |
CS |
GetPCFactionSteal |
CS |
GetPCFactionSubmitAuthority |
CS |
GetPCFame |
CS |
GetPCInFaction |
CS |
GetPCInfamy |
CS |
GetPCIsClass |
CS |
GetPCIsRace |
CS |
GetPCIsSex |
OBSE 18 |
GetPCLastDroppedItem |
OBSE 18 |
GetPCLastDroppedItemRef |
OBSE 15 |
GetPCMajorSkillUps |
CS |
GetPCMiscStat |
OBSE 17 |
GetPCMovementSpeedModifier |
CS |
GetPCSleepHours |
OBSE 16 |
GetPCSpellEffectivenessModifier |
OBSE 16 |
GetPCTrainingSessionsUsed |
CS |
GetPersuasionNumber |
OBSE 18 |
GetPlayerBirthsign |
CS |
GetPlayerControlsDisabled |
CS |
GetPlayerHasLastRiddenHorse |
CS 1.2 |
GetPlayerInSEWorld |
Should be 1 if player is in Shivering Isles.
OBSE 18 |
GetPlayerSkillAdvances |
OBSE 18 |
GetPlayerSkillAdvancesC |
OBSE 11 |
GetPlayerSkillUse |
OBSE 18 |
GetPlayerSkillUseC |
OBSE 14 |
GetPlayersLastActivatedLoadDoor |
OBSE 14 |
GetPlayersLastRiddenHorse |
GetPlayerSpell |
OBSE 10 |
GetPlayerSpellCount |
OBSE 13 |
GetPluginVersion |
CS |
GetPos |
Returns position on x, y, or z axis in world.
OBSE 15 |
GetProcessLevel |
OBSE 16 |
GetProjectile |
OBSE 16 |
GetProjectileDistanceTraveled |
OBSE 16 |
GetProjectileLifetime |
OBSE 15 |
GetProjectileSource |
OBSE 16 |
GetProjectileSpeed |
OBSE 15 |
GetProjectileType |
OBSE 10 |
GetQuality |
OBSE 19 |
GetQuantityMenuCurrentQuantity |
OBSE 19 |
GetQuantityMenuItem |
OBSE 19 |
GetQuantityMenuMaximumQuantity |
CS |
GetQuestRunning |
1 if StartQuest or SetStage was used or is running by default.
CS |
GetQuestVariable |
Intended for dialogue conditions - use questName.variable instead.
OBSE 14 |
GetRace |
OBSE 12 |
GetRaceAttribute |
OBSE 12 |
GetRaceAttributeC |
OBSE 19 |
GetRaceDefaultHair |
OBSE 19 |
GetRaceEyes |
OBSE 19 |
GetRaceHairs |
OBSE 18 |
GetRaceReaction |
OBSE 18 |
GetRaceScale |
OBSE 12 |
GetRaceSkillBonus |
OBSE 12 |
GetRaceSkillBonusC |
OBSE 14 |
GetRaceSpellCount |
OBSE 20 |
GetRaceVoice |
OBSE 18 |
GetRaceWeight |
CS |
GetRandomPercent |
Returns an integer from 0 to 100. See also Rand (OBSE).
OBSE 19 |
GetRawFormIDString |
OBSE 15 |
GetRefCount |
Pluggy |
GetRefEsp |
OBSE 15 |
GetRefVariable |
OBSE 20 |
GetRequiredSkillExp |
CS |
GetRestrained |
OBSE 14 |
GetRider |
GetRuntimeEditorID |
Returns the editor ID of a form or an empty string if the form has no editorID.
CS |
GetScale |
OBSE 12 |
GetScript |
OBSE 13 |
GetScriptActiveEffectIndex |
CS |
GetScriptVariable |
CS |
GetSecondsPassed |
OBSE 18 |
GetSelectedSpells |
CS |
GetSelf |
Returns the actor affected by a scripted effect in a script effect block.
OBSE 15 |
GetServicesMask |
CS |
GetShouldAttack |
OBSE 19 |
GetSigilStoneUses |
CS |
GetSitting |
OBSE 18 |
GetSkillGoverningAttribute |
OBSE 18 |
GetSkillGoverningAttributeC |
OBSE 20 |
GetSkillSpecialization |
OBSE 11 |
GetSkillUseIncrement |
OBSE 17 |
GetSkillUseIncrementC |
CS |
GetSleeping |
GetSoulGemCapacity |
GetSoulLevel |
OBSE 15 |
GetSoundPlaying |
Returns number of times the specified sound is playing.
OBSE 15 |
GetSourceModIndex |
OBSE 18 |
GetSpecialAnims |
OBSE 19 |
GetSpellAreaEffectIgnoresLOS |
GetSpellCount |
OBSE 19 |
GetSpellDisallowAbsorbReflect |
OBSE 16 |
GetSpellEffectiveness |
OBSE 12 |
GetSpellExplodesWithNoTarget |
GetSpellHostile |
OBSE 19 |
GetSpellImmuneToSilence |
GetSpellMagickaCost |
GetSpellMasteryLevel |
OBSE 19 |
GetSpellPCStart |
OBSE 17 |
GetSpells |
OBSE 10 |
GetSpellSchool |
OBSE 19 |
GetSpellScriptEffectAlwaysApplies |
GetSpellType |
CS |
GetStage |
CS |
GetStageDone |
CS |
GetStartingAngle |
CS |
GetStartingPos |
OBSE 16 |
GetStringGameSetting |
OBSE 16 |
GetStringINISetting |
CS |
GetTalkedToPC |
CS |
GetTalkedToPCParam |
OBSE 18 |
GetTargets |
OBSE 18 |
GetTelekinesisRef |
OBSE 13 |
GetTeleportCell |
OBSE 18 |
GetTeleportCellName |
OBSE 20 |
GetTerrainHeight |
OBSE 16 |
GetTextInputControlPressed |
OBSE 16 |
GetTextInputCursorPos |
OBSE 19 |
GetTexturePath |
OBSE 17 |
GetTileChildren |
OBSE 17 |
GetTileTraits |
CS |
GetTimeDead |
Floating point number of hours since NPC/Creature was killed.
OBSE 20 |
GetTimeLeft |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalActiveEffectMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEAbilityMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEAlchemyMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEAllSpellsMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEDiseaseMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEEnchantmentMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAELesserPowerMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAENonAbilityMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEPowerMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAEPowerMagnitudeC |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAESpellMagnitude |
OBSE 13 |
GetTotalAESpellMagnitudeC |
OBSE 15 |
GetTotalPCAttributeBonus |
CS |
GetTotalPersuasionNumber |
OBSE 15 |
GetTrainerLevel |
OBSE 15 |
GetTrainerSkill |
OBSE 19 |
GetTransactionInfo |
OBSE 13 |
GetTravelHorse |
CS |
GetTrespassWarningLevel |
Pluggy |
GetTypeInArray |
CS |
GetUnconscious |
CS |
GetUsedItemActivate |
CS |
GetUsedItemLevel |
OBSE 17 |
GetUsedPowers |
OBSE 18 |
GetUserTime |
CS |
GetVampire |
OBSE 15 |
GetVariable |
OBSE 20 |
GetVelocity |
OBSE 20 |
GetVerticalVelocity |
CS |
GetWalkSpeed |
OBSE 18 |
GetWaterShader |
CS |
GetWeaponAnimType |
GetWeaponReach |
CS |
GetWeaponSkillType |
GetWeaponSpeed |
GetWeaponType |
OBSE 18 |
GetWeatherClassification |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherCloudSpeedLower |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherCloudSpeedUpper |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherColor |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherFogDayFar |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherFogDayNear |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherFogNightFar |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherFogNightNear |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherHDRValue |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherLightningFrequency |
OBSE 19 |
GetWeatherOverride |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherSunDamage |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherSunGlare |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherTransDelta |
OBSE 13 |
GetWeatherWindSpeed |
GetWeight |
CS |
GetWindSpeed |
OBSE 18 |
GetWorldSpaceParentWorldSpace |
OBSE 18 |
GlobalVariableExists |
GoTo |
CS |
GoToJail |